pymarshal replicates the feature of (un)marshalling structs in Golang. Rather than replicating the exact feature as it exists in Go, pymarshal aims for elegant, Pythonic simplicity, and to fix the flaws in Go's implementation such as:
- extra keys being silently ignored
- lack of mandatory fields
- lack of default values See control variables for the many options that can be configured per-class.
Support for the following has been removed:
- YAML docstring API docs format
- Python2
If you need any of these, use 1.6.2
As YAML is compatible with JSON, use PyYAML to load or dump data
with the pymarshal.json
module, there is no explicit YAML module.
It is recommended that you install
from PyPI
using pip install pymarshal
The only modification required to your class code is to use the type_assert
functions to assign __init__
arguments to class fields of the same
name. pymarshal provides the type_assert
functions to both enforce the type,
and to unmarshal nested objects.
class MyModel:
def __init__(
self.a = type_assert(a, str)
self.b = type_assert(b, int)
>>> from pymarshal.json import *
>>> x = marshal_json(MyModel("test", 6))
>>> x
{"a": "test", "b": 6}
>>> y = unmarshal_json(x, MyModel)
>>> y.a
NOTE: Your classes must not implement __call__
(which is an antipattern
anyway). Whatever you would've implemented with __call__
should just be
a normal, named method.
Your __init__
methods should only use simple assignment through the
functions. If you have a use-case for a constructor that
does more than simple assignment, use a separate
'factory' static method.
There is also:
for iterablestype_assert_dict
for anything that implements .items() -> k, v
Rather than using the Golang "tag" syntax, simply create a
and _unmarshal_key_swap
dict in your class,
and any re-named keys will be swapped before being passed to the
class constructor or before being marshalled to JSON. The full list
of control variables are documented HERE.