paste.nvim is a small tool that lets you paste files, bufferes, selected text and registers to a pastebin (currently only
To install I recommend using your favourite plugin manager. Here is an example using packer:
use 'dagle/paste.nvim'
paste.nvim uses callbacks and doesn't block by default. The default callback method is just to print the paste. But if you want you could hook it up to something like vim.notify.
Here is an exapmle:
callback = vim.notify(response, {
title = 'paste.nvim',
paste exposes these 5 lua functions:
paste, pastebuf, pastesel, pasteyank, getPaste
pastesel needs to be bind to something or you can't invoke it without leaving visual:
vnoremap <C-p> <cmd>lua require'nvim-paste'.pastesel()<CR>
- Get the visual mode
- Add more pastebins
- Tidy up the code