Boston, MA
[email protected]
I'm a systems-neuroscientist and postdoc at Harvard Medical School, working with Prof. John Assad. My research interests include studying the role of 🧠brain-circuit dynamics🌪 in ⬅️decision-making➡️, 🕵️learning and memory💾, and individual differences🧩 in behavior.
Link to ORCID
Link to CV
Link to my recent preprint: Neural correlates of rapid familiarization to novel taste
- blechpy: software for spike-sorting and analyzing electrophysiology data in the Katz lab, co-developed with Roshan Nanu.
- pyBAKS: software for rate estimation of binary events/neuronal spikes using the BAKS algorithm, originally developed by Nur Ahmadi.
- [COMING SOON] cuedtaste: software for controlling and training a restaurant-style go/no-go task for rats, co-developed with Emma Barash.
- blechBayes: software for Bayesian classification of taste responses for in-vivo electrophysiology data
- repsubsamp: software for extracting sub-samples of rows from dataframes that are statistically representative of the original data
- blech shuttledrive: adaptation of the open-ephys shuttle-drive for bilaterally targeting gustatory cortex with 64 individual electrodes.
- OEPS64 headstage housing: a headstage protector and stabilizer for the open-ephys 64-channel hirose-connector headstage
- [COMING SOON] davis-rig fan-snorkel: a fan snorkel that creates an air curtain between an animal and a lick-spout in the Davis-rig, to prevent the animal from smelling the taste stimulus.