play.zig is just another Zig playground, actually an adaptation wrapping Zig for compilation and format code from my old go-vim (Go Playground)...
Following considerations when you use it:
- Running at last Zig stable version.
- 5s timeout by default.
- if firejail is installed networking is sandboxed.
- code snippets for sharing are stored using sqlite.
During my learning I miss some place to run ziglings or share code quickly, so here we go. Another playgrounds implementations:
- playground from zigtools: nice, but weird highlighting, no fmt.
- zig-play: slow, no share option.
- another purpose but nice, run zig trunk version by default, can run and share local files there via curl, no fmt.
- nice, written in zig but offline, confused layout, no share option. give me the idea to add ziggy ;)
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 dgvargas/play-zig
git clone; cd play.zig
zig build run
ADDR Binding Address (default:
PORT port binding number (defult: 8080)
AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_S3 endpoint of s3 to persist sqlite database (default: "")
AWS_BUCKET_NAME_S3 bucket name of s3 to persist sqlite database (default: "play-zig")
Note: regarding s3 persistence credentials variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_REGION and include project dir on LD_LIBRARY_PATH) must be set to work properly.