Python solvers for P0- and P1-problems.
- P0-epsilon problem:
min_z ||z||_0 s.t. ||Az - x|| < eps
- P1-epsilon problem:
min_z ||z||_1 s.t. ||Az - x|| < eps
- Q1-epsilon problem:
min_z ||Az - x||^2 + λ||z||_1
where z
is a sparse representation of the input x
, and A
is a dictionary matrix (either fixed or learned).
Documentation is available at
The theoretical foundations of the implemented functional are in edX course Sparse Representations in Signal and Image Processing.
- Mutual Coherence
- Babbel Function
- Spark of a matrix
- Greedy algorithms, approximating the P0-problem:
- Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP)
- Least Squares OMP (LS-OMP)
- Matching Pursuit (MP)
- Weak Matching Pursuit (WMP)
- Thresholding Algorithm (THR)
- Relaxation algorithms, approximating the P0-problem:
- Basis Pursuit (L1-relaxation)
- Basis Pursuit + ADMM
- Iterative Shrinkage Algorithm (ISTA, Fast ISTA)
- BasisPursuit dictionary learning (similar to MOD)
- Learned Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (LISTA)
module contains PyTorch implementation of the listed above algorithms.
Reproduce with edX/finproj/
To illustrate an example with a fixed dictionary, we
- simulate an image
of sizen x n
, constructed with bars; - add noise and corrupt the image ->
; - generate a fixed dictionary matrix
of sizen^2 x m
(m >> n^2
) with random bars as atoms (columns); - reconstruct
by seeking the sparsest vectorz
such thatAz ≈ x
Start a Visdom server and run the examples with
$ python -m visdom.server
$ python sparse/examples/
Then navigate to localhost:8097 to see the training progress.
The "output sparsity" is the sparsity of the embedding vector from which the original image is reconstructed.
More examples are on Choose environments with MatchingPursuit
$ git clone
$ cd sparse-representation
$ pip install -e .[extra]
Extra requirements install PyTorch for sparse.nn