Test your chess engines against different sets of positions for a cheap measure of relative strength.
ICCF data: GM correspondence chess positions
- Python and a couple libraries
- Chess engine(s) and weights files (if applicable)
- position-tester.py (Python program)
- Position set (text file with FENs)
- Configuration file (JSON file with engine path and settings)
- Networks list (text file with the list of nets to test)
python position-tester.py NetworksList.txt ConfigurationSettings.json OutputSummary.txt OuputLog.log
- Results summary
- Detailed log for each position
The parameters EPD
and enginePath
are mandatory as is weights_path
for NN engines. Other parameters are optional.
"EPD" : "PositionSet.txt",
"enginePath" : "C:/Users/Computer/Downloads/lc0-v0.21.2-windows-cuda/lc0.exe",
"weights_path" : "C:/Users/Computer/Downloads/lc0-v0.21.2-windows-cuda/",
"threads" : 2,
"minibatchsize" : 256,
"backend" : "cudnn-fp16",
"nodes" : 10000
1b1n2B1/3k3p/p4pp1/1p6/1B6/P6P/1P3PP1/5K2 b - - bm Nc6 ; 61485
1B1q1rk1/pQ2pp1p/4bbp1/3p4/3P4/2r1P1P1/P4PBP/R4RK1 w - - bm Rfb1 ; 8
1b1qr1k1/1p1b1pp1/5n1p/1PP1p3/3p4/3P1NP1/r2B1PBP/1R1QR1K1 w - - bm Qc1 ; 14
1b1qr1k1/1p1r2p1/p2pbp1p/P3nN2/2P1P1P1/1PB4P/5QB1/R4R1K b - - bm Bc7 ; 61490
1b1qr1k1/1p3pp1/5n1p/1PP2b2/3pP3/1R3NP1/r2B1PBP/2Q1R1K1 b - - bm Bxe4 ; 61492
1b1r1rk1/1b3p2/8/Ppp1q1pp/4P3/P2B2N1/2Q2PPP/3R1R1K w - - bm Qe2 ; 27
1b1r1rk1/pb1nqp2/2p4p/1p2p1pn/3PP3/P2B1NB1/1PQ1NPPP/3R1RK1 w - - bm b4 ; 28
1b1r2k1/1b2q2p/p5p1/2p2p2/B1P5/1Q3P1P/PP2NRP1/6K1 w - - bm Kf1 ; 30
1b1r2k1/1b5p/p5p1/2p2p2/B1P4q/5P1P/PP2NRP1/3Q2K1 w - - bm Qb3 ; 32
1b1r2k1/1p5p/3q2pB/Qp1pNp2/P4P2/4n2P/6P1/1R5K b - - bm Nc4 ; 61512
1b1r2k1/1p5p/3q2pB/Qp1pNp2/P4P2/4n2P/6P1/3R3K w - - bm Rb1 ; 45
1b1r2k1/1p5p/3q2pB/Qp1pNp2/P4P2/7P/2n3P1/R6K w - - bm Rd1 ; 47
1B1R4/7k/5pp1/p4r2/Pb3P1p/1B4nP/7K/8 w - - bm Rd7+ ; 66
network req_nodes avg_nodes agreed total percent avg_1st_agree
weights_run1_11248.pb.gz 100 110 38356 80075 47.900 10.331
weights_run1_22154.pb.gz 100 110 34040 80075 42.510 9.927
weights_run2_32930.pb.gz 100 110 38653 80075 48.271 10.990
weights_run1_42482.pb.gz 100 110 40092 80075 50.068 11.292
weights_run2_50778.pb.gz 100 111 34253 80075 42.776 12.240
#### agree, iccf_moves, nodesUsed, position_id, toPlay, pieces Count, weight, mpv 1 move, mpv 1 eval
#### mpv 2 move, mpv 2 eval, mpv 3 move ; mpv3 eval probability (P), count of agree List, agree List
1, gxf4, 10006, 349, W, 28, weights_run2_32930.pb.gz, 0.1507, gxf4, 38, Bh3, 32, Rd6, -17, 2, [[-3, Bh3, 52], [7, gxf4, 54]]
1, Nc4, 10045, 629, W, 28, weights_run2_32930.pb.gz, 0.1901, Nc4, 23, fxe5, -28, Kh2, -115, 3, [[4, Nc4, 17], [-9, Kh2, -53], [22, Nc4, 2]]
1, Bf4, 10154, 894, W, 28, weights_run2_32930.pb.gz, 0.29, Bf4, 48, Bd3, 48, Re1, 40, 1, [[2, Bf4, 55]]
1, Rac1, 10022, 1382, W, 28, weights_run2_32930.pb.gz, 0.1614, Rac1, 43, a3, 24, Nd4, 21, 3, [[3, Rac1, 32], [-6, a3, 35], [11, Rac1, 30]]
1, d5, 10021, 1458, W, 28, weights_run2_32930.pb.gz, 0.153, d5, 33, Re1, 26, h4, 12, 1, [[3, d5, 49]]
0, Ne3, 10302, 2620, W, 28, weights_run2_32930.pb.gz, 0.0934, Bd1, 71, Ne3, 66, Nc3, 62, 7, [[-4, Bd1, 47], [141, Ne3, 62], [-211, Bd1, 69], [325, Ne3, 61], [-9376, Bd1, 71], [9833, Ne3, 66], [-10302, Bd1, 71]]
1, Nde3, 10251, 2724, W, 28, weights_run2_32930.pb.gz, 0.2795, Nde3, 229, Qf2, 212, Nf2, 160, 1, [[2, Nde3, 254]]