This package is an extension of the package HiddenMarkovModels.jl that defines a lot of the Hidden Markov Models tools (Baum Welch, Viterbi, etc.).
The extension adds the subtype PeriodicHMM
to the type HiddenMarkovModels.AbstractHMM
that deals with non-constant transition matrix A(t)
and emission distribution B(t)
Before v0.2 this package depended on the no longer maintained HMMBase.jl. It is now inspired by this Tutorial of the HiddenMarkovModels.jl model, meaning that it should benefit from all the good stuff there. In particular mutli-sequence support.
The major notable difference is that PeriodicHMM
here do not have to be periodic, they can be completely time inhomogeneous.
This is controlled by the n2t
vector which indicates the correspondance between observation n
and the associated element of the HMM t
. See example bellow.
using PeriodicHiddenMarkovModels
using Distributions
using Random
K = 2 # Number of Hidden states
T = 10 # Period
N = 49_586 # Length of observation
Q = zeros(K, K, T)
Q[1, 1, :] = [0.25 + 0.1 + 0.5cos(2Ï€ / T * t + 1)^2 for t in 1:T]
Q[1, 2, :] = [0.25 - 0.1 + 0.5sin(2Ï€ / T * t + 1)^2 for t in 1:T]
Q[2, 2, :] = [0.25 + 0.2 + 0.5cos(2Ï€ / T * (t - T / 3))^2 for t in 1:T]
Q[2, 1, :] = [0.25 - 0.2 + 0.5sin(2Ï€ / T * (t - T / 3))^2 for t in 1:T]
dist = [Normal for i in 1:K]
ν = [dist[i](2i * cos(2π * t / T), i + cos(2π / T * (t - i / 2 + 1))^2) for i in 1:K, t in 1:T]
init = [1 / 2, 1 / 2]
trans_per = tuple(eachslice(Q; dims=3)...)
dists_per = tuple(eachcol(ν)...)
hmm = PeriodicHMM(init, trans_per, dists_per)
Here we add noise to the true matrix (not too far to not end up in far away local minima).
ν_guess = [dist[i](2i * cos(2π * t / T) + 0.01 * randn(), i + cos(2π / T * (t - i / 2 + 1))^2 + 0.05 * randn()) for i in 1:K, t in 1:T]
Q_guess = copy(Q)
ξ = rand(Uniform(0, 0.1))
Q_guess[1, 1, :] .+= ξ
Q_guess[1, 2, :] .-= ξ
ξ = rand(Uniform(0, 0.05))
Q_guess[1, 1, :] .+= ξ
Q_guess[1, 2, :] .-= ξ
hmm_guess = PeriodicHMM(init, tuple(eachslice(Q_guess; dims=3)...), tuple(eachcol(ν_guess)...))
The n2t
vector of length N
controls the correspondence between the index of the sequence n
and t∈[1:T]
The function n_to_t(N,T)
creates a vector of length N
and periodicity T
but arbitrary non-periodic n2t
are accepted.
n2t = n_to_t(N, T)
state_seq, obs_seq = rand(hmm, n2t)
hmm_fit, hist = baum_welch(hmm_guess, obs_seq, n2t)
using Plots, LaTeXStrings
default(fontfamily="Computer Modern", linewidth=2, label=nothing, grid=true, framestyle=:default)
p = [plot(xlabel="t") for i in 1:K]
for i in 1:K, j in 1:K
plot!(p[i], 1:T, [transition_matrix(hmm, t)[i, j] for t in 1:T], label=L"Q_{%$(i)\to %$(j)}", c=j)
plot!(p[i], 1:T, [transition_matrix(hmm_fit, t)[i, j] for t in 1:T], label=L"\hat{Q}_{%$(i)\to %$(j)}", c=j, s=:dash)
plot(p..., size=(1000, 500))
p = [plot(xlabel="t", title=L"K = %$(i)") for i in 1:K]
for i in 1:K
plot!(p[i], 1:T, mean.(ν[i, :]), label="mean", c=1)
plot!(p[i], 1:T, mean.([obs_distributions(hmm_fit, t)[i] for t in 1:T]), label="Estimated mean", c=1, s=:dash)
plot!(p[i], 1:T, std.(ν[i, :]), label="std", c=2)
plot!(p[i], 1:T, std.([obs_distributions(hmm_fit, t)[i] for t in 1:T]), label="Estimated std", c=2, s=:dash)
plot(p..., size=(1000, 500))
As it is fit_mle
does not enforce smoothness of hidden states with t
i.e. because HMM are identifiable up to a relabeling nothing prevents that after fitting ν[k=1, t=1]
and ν[k=1, t=2]
mean the same hidden state (same for Q
To enforce smoothness and identifiability (up to a global index relabeling), one can be inspired by seasonal Hidden Markov Model, see A. Touron (2019). This is already implemented in SmoothPeriodicStatsModels.jl.but I plan to add this feature to PeriodicHiddenMarkovModels.jl