Original source: https://github.com/kolyvan/kxmovie
FFmpegPlayer-iOS - A movie player for iOS based on FFmpeg.
kxmovie extended, to get your own ui controls and get screenshots from your movie.
First you need to download, configure and build FFmpeg. For this, open console and type in:
cd kxmovie
git submodule update --init
- Drop all files to your project.
- Add frameworks: MediaPlayer, CoreAudio, AudioToolbox, Accelerate, QuartzCore, OpenGLES and libz.dylib .
- Add libs: libkxmovie.a, libavcodec.a, libavformat.a, libavutil.a, libswscale.a, libswresample.a
- implement Delegate functions
implement KxMovieViewDelegate in your interface
called when video updates it duration (good callback for updating your own UI/Slider)
func videoDidUpdateWithDuration(duration: CGFloat, andPosition position: CGFloat)
called when video is finished
func videoDidFinish()
If you want to set the current position
let value = CGFloat(Float(self.slider.value)*Float(self.kxMoviePlayer.decoder.duration)) self.kxMoviePlayer.setMoviePosition(value)
Get a snapshot (UIImage) of current position