David Oliver, Piaomu Liu, and Edsel Peña
- reshape2
- preprocessCore (bioconductor)
git clone https://github.com/doliv071/Focused_shRNA_Analysis.git
In R, source the file
Run the function
required parameters:
- dat1 = "control.csv" # Control data
- dat2 = "treat.csv" # Treated data
- genes = "targets.txt" # List of genes with targeting shRNAs, 1 per line
**NOTE**: data files must be csv
**NOTE**: rownames for the data must be gene-specific shRNA names that match the gene names specified by targets.txt. (e.g. For 3 shRNAs targeting RPL35A, the rownames should be RPL35A1, RPL35A2, RPL35A3)
Additional parameters that can be specified:
- BootRep = 10000 # Number of boot strap repetitions
- thresh = 10 # Minimum number of shRNA reads to include in analysis. shRNAs with less than the threshold number of counts are converted to NA
- passages = 5 # Number of passages (could be rounds of any sort of selection)
- bio.reps = 2 # Number of biological replicates
- adjust = "BH" # Method to use for adjusting p-value for multiple testing. Argument is passed to p.adjust{stats}. see ?p.adjust for available options.