A Custom ARFoundation Template with "must-have" Scripts & Packages pre-installed.
- Device Simulator (Package Manager)
- GitHub for Unity (Asset Store)
- ScreenShooter (Asset Store)
- Tap To Place (Tap on the plane detected to place object)
- Place On Plane (Object gets placed on the first detected plane)
- LevelManager.cs (Smoothly load Scenes asyncronously along with Crossfade animations)
- CameraFacing.cs (Objects always face the camera)
- SwipeRotate.cs (Swipe to rotate objects on local axis)
- OpenURL.cs (Open URL in browser)
- Fork the repository to use it as a Template.
- Clone / Download ZIP to use it freely as you want.
- Get the Source Code from the Releases page.
- Compatible with Unity 2019.3 and above.
- For older Unity versions, clone the repo and move the Assets folder into your current/new Unity project.
Made with ❤ by AgrMayank