Configuration files for a traditional unified workspace in bspwm.
As of today, May 19th 2022, I will no longer be maintaining this repo My wish is that this is useful to someone in the future who is looking to create a multi-monitor desktop with bspwm but want's a similar workspace style similar to how Pop OS currently is.
I'll be trying out having seperate workspaces for each monitor. It seemed too complicated and counter-intuitive to begin with, but perhaps will be more powerful, and pragmatic. Similar to how using a CLI feels at first versus a GUI.
Simply run the ./ script and script after cloning the repo.
sudo apt install bspwm sxhkd polybar picom nitrogen arandr autorandr xscreensaver gucharmap
Recommend downloading ulauncher.deb instead of adding the PPA. Up to you.
sudo apt install ./ulauncher_x.y.z_all.deb
Run nitrogen ~/Pictures/wallpapers
assuming that is a directory containing papes on your system
Setup wallpapers fo the first time.
Configure xscreensaver to your liking using xscreensaver-demo
Conigure monitors to your liking using arandr. Afterwards, save that config
by doing autorandr --save bspwm
Download and copy the configs here into your .config directory.
Modify sxhkdrc to open a terminal of your choosing (alacritty by default, installed via cargo on ubuntu...)
cp bspwmrc $HOME/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc
cp sxhkdrc $HOME/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
cp config.ini $HOME/.config/polybar/config.ini
cp $HOME/.config/polybar/
Fonts required are - Noto Sans - SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono
Noto sans included by default with KDE plasma. You can probably find it easily by googling it. Need the "Complete" patched version of SauceCodePro
To cycle all monitors at once, you need the following bspc command, recommended by the BSPWM dev himself.
cycle_dir={prev,next}; \
bspc desktop "$\{cycle_dir\}.local" -f; \
for mon_id in $(bspc query -M -m '.!focused'); do \
bspc desktop "$\{mon_id\}:focused#$\{cycle_dir\}.local" -a; \
I essenially wanted most of the same functionality as krohnkite/bismuth, but in an actual standalone WM. After trying i3-gaps, i was very disappointed.
i3 and many other window managers do not offer the traditional Desktop Environment's way of handling workspaces/desktops. Instead of having a unified workspace, each monitor has it's own workspaces.
bspwm-unified-workspace goal is to have configs for "one workspace across all monitors". You can have more than one, or four, workspaces that are shared on all monitors.