This repo contains materials that accompany my baseball paper that showed that nostalgia, performance metrics, and sophisticated era-adjustment approaches have fallen short of their goal to properly compare players across eras. Here is a description of the materials:
Final draft of the paper: Chance-baseball-final.pdf
Reproducible technical report: reproducible-analysis.pdf
dataset: population.csv
raw data: see the contents of the data directory.
A Shiny app that allows others to produce their own analyses within the framework of this analysis can be viewed here. A fun Fangraphs article with additional musings can be viewed here.
To cite my paper:
Daniel J. Eck (2020). Challenging nostalgia and performance metrics in baseball. CHANCE, 33 (1), 16--25.
To cite the technical report:
Daniel J. Eck (2020). Supporting data analysis for "Challenging nostalgia and performance metrics in baseball."