This repository contains a collection of various lists of academics on Mastodon. These lists are curated by many awesome folks across various disciplines, so make sure to give them kudos as well!
- Curated Account Lists — find people to follow
- Groups — tap into what people are saying
- Servers/Communities — if you need to register for an account first, start here
- Contribute — contribute new lists, groups, and servers
- Contact — for the legal stuff
The following are curated lists of academic accounts on Mastodon by discipline. If you would like to start your own group, head over to the original repository, fork it, adapt it, and publish it. Then, make sure to add your list here by proposing a pull request!
These lists are opt-in only, so if you would like to appear on one or more of these lists, click their link. The lists provide instructions. Many lists even provide a form which you can fill in yourself. If you notice that a list violates the opt-in principle, please notify us so that we can take action.
- African Studies (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- Anthropology (Form to add yourself)
- Archaeology
- Art and Design Teachers
- Asian Studies (Google Spreadsheet) (Form to add yourself)
- Astrophysics
- Atmospheric science and air quality (Google form to add yourself)
- Biblical Studies (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- Bioinformatics
- Biophysics
- Book History (BookHistodons) (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- Cheminformatics and Computational Chemistry
- Chemistry (Google Spreadsheet) (Form to add yourself)
- Communication and Media Studies (Google Doc)
- Criminology (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- Crowdsourcing in Cultural Heritage/Citizen Science (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- Dendrochronology
- Digital Humanities (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- Earth Science (Form to add yourself)
- Education (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- Genealogy (Google Spreadsheet) (Form to add yourself)
- Geography
- GLAMS: Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Special Collections (Google Spreadsheet) (Form to add yourself)
- Health Psychologists
- Historians of Science, Medicine, and Technology (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- History and Philosophy of Science
- History (Google Spreadsheet)
- Information Security (Google Spreadsheet) (Form to add yourself)
- International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) (Form to add yourself)
- Islamic Studies/Middle Eastern Studies/Islamicate Studies/Oriental Studies
- Journalism (Google Spreadsheet)
- Law (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- Linguists
- Literary Studies (Google Spreadsheet)
- Marketing and Consumer Research
- Mass Spec
- Medical AI
- Medieval History (Medievodons) (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- Meteorology & Weather (Google Spreadsheet) Form to add yourself
- Migration Research
- Neuroscience
- Nuclear Fusion
- Open Science
- Operations research (Google Spreadsheet)
- Palaeogenomics
- Philosophers and Philosophy Teachers
- Plant Science & Botany (Google Spreadsheet) (Form to add yourself)
- Political Scientists
- Psychology (Form to add yourself)
- Public Policy
- Qualitative Researchers (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
- Religion (Google Spreadsheet;Form to add yourself)
- Science and Technology Studies (STS)
- Semantic Web+ (Form to add yourself)
- Social Workers on Mastodon (a Google Sheet, with a Form to Add Your Username)
- Sociology
- Technology Law & Policy (Spreadsheet)
- Theologidons (Google Spreadsheet; Form to add yourself)
There are also groups over on Mastodon that you can use to connect to fellow academics. Start your own or view more groups here.
- List of Economics Groups
- @[email protected] (general chat about academic life)
- @[email protected] (academic working conditions)
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected] (Dendrochronology)
- @[email protected] (Digital Humanities)
- @[email protected] (cognitive psychology)
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected](Epidermiologists)
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected] (International Image Interoperability Framework)
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected] (The Julia programming language)
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected] (Mass Spectrometery Group - TeamMassSpec)
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected] (Fire reconstruction, paleoecology)
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected] (The R language for statistical computing)
- @[email protected] (Software Engineering)
- @[email protected] (Semantic Web)
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected]
- @[email protected] (Web Science)
These bots provide automated access to a few preprint servers.
If you notice malicious behavior by these bots, please notify us.
- @[email protected] arXiv Physics
- @[email protected] arXiv EE and SS
- @[email protected] arXiv Math
- @[email protected] arXiv Computer Science
- @[email protected] arXiv stats
- @[email protected] bioRxiv cell biology RSS feed
- @[email protected] bioRxiv biophysics RSS feed
- @[email protected] bioRxiv, arXiv and PubMed cytoskeleton-related feed
- @[email protected] bioRxiv, arXiv and PubMed mechanobiology-related feed
- @[email protected] bioRxiv, arXiv and PubMed Drosophila fruitfly-related feed
- @j824h_arXiv_astro_ph arXiv Astrophysics
- @[email protected] arXiv Education
- @[email protected] arXiv Psychology
- @[email protected] arXiv Social Sciences
- @[email protected] arXiv research transparency and reproducibility
If you are in academia and do not know where to register your account in the fediverse, you may find some space on one of the following instances:
- 18th Century Mastodon (For scholars of eighteenth-century global culture, history, literature, philosophy, and ideas)
- (air pollution scientists)
- (focused primarily on Dutch academia)
- Archaeo.Social (Anthropologists/Archaeologists/Historians)
- (Astronomy, astrophysics, astrophotography, and adjacent sciences)
- Atmoschem (Atmospheric science & adjacent sciences)
- (Australasian Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Records)
- Datasci.Social (For Human-Centric Data Science and Adjacent Topics)
- Design Lounge (Middle and High-School Design Teacher Community)
- digipres (digital galleries, libraries, archives, museums, and special collections, digitital preservation)
- (biological ecology and evolution)
- (Economics)
- Fedihum (Humanities, with a focus on Digital Humanities)
- Fediphilosophy (Mastodon instance for academic philosophers; server guide & rules)
- Fediscience (General science)
- Genomic.Social (Genomic Science Community)
- (galleries, libraries, archives, museums, and special collections, records, memory work)
- (Humanities and Social Sciences scholars, hosted by H-Net)
- High Performance Computing
- Historians.Social
- Human Computer Interaction
- Humanities Commons
- InfoSec
- Julia Language
- Law Professors
- Legal General Interest
- Mastodon.Art (Creative Arts)
- (Energy & climate professionals)
- Mathstodon
- Mapstodon (GIS, mapping, geospatial and cartography professionals and enthusiasts)
- Med-Mammoth
- Med-Mastodon
- Medievalist-Masto
- MIT (Unoffical)
- (Primarily Microbiology, but all sciences welcome.)
- Open Educational Resources
- OpenBiblio (For German speaking librarians and information specialists)
- Qubit (Scientists and engineers interested in quantum computing, sensing, and communication)
- redNiboe (Academics in Latin America, invite only)
- Religion Mastodon (Academic study of religion)
- (invite only)
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
- (Science communicators)
- (Science journalists and scientists)
- Sciences.Re (French-speaking Academics)
- (Artificial Intelligence)
- Social Sciences
- Synapse Cafe (Neuroscience)
- Universeodon (Astronomy, astrophysics, physics)
- Visualisation (SciArt, SciComm, data visualization, creative coding)
- (Creative Writing)
- Zirkus (literature, philosophy, film, music, culture, politics, history, architecture)
You can find a comprehensive list of these and many more academic Mastodon servers on Visit for a general beginners guide to Mastodon. has created a quick start guide specifically for researchers in the humanities that also includes a short list of instances that are tailored to humanities specifically.
Contributions welcome! Feel free to add academic lists or new groups and submit a PR! Just make sure your additions are on topic. Feel free to reach out to us: @[email protected] and @[email protected]
This list is primarily maintained by Hendrik Erz (Linköpings Universitet). Below you can find ways to contact me in case you have individual questions regarding this collection of lists, or if you would report a potential opt-in violation (or similar issues).
PLEASE NOTE: This contact info is not meant to send me links to new lists. If you would like to add a list, please open a PR instead! In case that this somehow doesn't work for you, you can also open an issue, state why the PR didn't work, and provide the link to the list (and optionally the form). I receive dozens of work-related emails via the address below, so by keeping everything list-related here on GitHub I can keep that separated. Thank you very much for your understanding.
- Email: [email protected]
- Mastodon: @[email protected]
- Office address and further contact info on my website,