The Project Name is Art 12 Consultation Tool
These packages should be installed as superuser (root).
Install these before setting up an environment:
apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev libmysqlclient-dev \
libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev python-virtualenv mysql-server git
Install Python2.7 with PUIAS:
Run these commands:
curl | python2.7 -
pip2.7 install virtualenv
yum install mysql-server mysql git openldap-devel cyrus-sasl-devel \
We should use Virtualenv for isolated environments. The following commands will be run as an unprivileged user in the product directory:
1.Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:eea/art12-viewer.git -o origin art12
cd art12
2.1.Create & activate a virtual environment:
virtualenv --no-site-packages sandbox
echo '*' > sandbox/.gitignore
source sandbox/bin/activate
2.2.Make sure setuptools >= 0.8 is installed:
pip install -U setuptools
3.Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements-dep.txt
4.Create a configuration file:
cd art12
mkdir -p instance
cp instance/
# Follow instructions in to adapt it to your needs.
# MAPS_PATH and MAPS_URI should be filled in according to your local deployment
# e.g: MAPS_PATH = '/Users/foo/art12/art12/static/maps/' MAPS_URI = '/static/maps/'
5.Set up the MySQL database:
# Replace [user] and [password] with your MySQL credentials and [db_name] with the name of the database:
mysql -u[user] -p[password] -e 'create database [db_name] CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
./ db upgrade
Run the application by starting docker containers:
docker-compose up -d
Access the art12-mysql container:
docker exec -it art12.db bash
Create the test database and grant all the privileges to the test user:
CREATE USER art12 WITH PASSWORD 'password'; CREATE DATABASE art12_test; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE art12_test TO art12; ALTER DATABASE art12_test OWNER TO art12; create database art12test character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci; create user 'test'@'%' identified by 'test'; grant all privileges on art12test.* to 'test'@'%';
Make sure to complete the data for environment variables in docker/art12.env file:
# test art12 DB_NAME_TEST=art12_test DB_USER_TEST=art12 DB_PASSWORD_TEST=art12 DB_HOST_TEST=db
Access the art12-app container:
docker exec -it art12-app bash
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Run tests:
pytest testsuite
Setup the production environment like this (using an unprivileged user)::
# install dependencies, see above
cd /var/local/art12
source sandbox/bin/activate
At this stage, the application is up and running. You should also configure:
* firewall policy
* public webserver (see vhost.conf.example for an example)
* start supervisord with the system (see init-svisor.example as an example
init script)
To setup a staging environment, follow the same steps as above. Create and use
a different database (for example art12staging
Printouts work using wkhtmltopdf
. Using an older version may cause
problems in rendering pdfs.
If you don't have this version installed, add it to your virtualenv.
Go to and select the build corresponding with your system. Copy the direct link into your clipboard.
Install it locally in your virtualenv
For RedHat-based systems in production:
wget $PASTE_URL_COPIED_AT_STEP_1 # $PACKAGE is the file downloaded with wget sudo rpm -i --prefix=/var/local/wkhtmltox-0.12.1 $PACKAGE.rpm # If the command fails because the file is already installed # copy `wkhtmltopdf` from the installation directory and skip # the next command cp /var/local/wkhtmltox-0.12.1/bin/wkhmtltopdf sandbox/bin/
For RedHat-based development systems:
# If you don't work on projects that require other versions # Install this version globally wget $PASTE_URL_COPIED_AT_STEP_1 sudo rpm -i $PACKAGE.rpm
For Debian based systems:
wget $PASTE_URL_COPIED_AT_STEP_1 dpkg-deb -x wkhtmltox-0.12.1_<your_distro>.deb sandbox cp sandbox/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf sandbox/bin
The project owner is Alex Eftimie (alex.eftimie at
Other people involved in this project are:
- Mihai Zamfir (mihai.zamfir at
Minimum requirements:
- 2048MB RAM
- 2 CPU 1.8GHz or faster
- 4GB hard disk space
- 4096MB RAM
- 4 CPU 2.4GHz or faster
- 8GB hard disk space
Any recent Linux version. apache2, local MySQL server