The idea behind this assignment is to build a Jenkins Pipeline Project and eventually containerised the application. The image is then Packaged as a runnable Docker image which then gets published the image to JFrog Artifactory
- Spring-petclinic is forked to git een4hc/repo spring-petclinic via (
- Jenkins packaged in docker is downloaded and run on 8080
- A dockerfile is created on alpine which Runs and resloves Maven dependenicies
- A Jenkinsfile is then created that configures pipes. It first looks to declare environment for Jfrog integration such as access token. A latest Maven image is installed and run. A docker image 'een4hc/spring-petclinic' is build.
- Jenkins is configured with a Pipeline project that connects with een4hc git SCM and Jenkinsfile as the path
- Local Jfrog artifactory is installed and an access token is generated
- Jfrog access token is used as Jenkins secret text credentials for authantication
- Image is published and pushed to Jfrog artifactory