LiveReload guard allows to automatically reload your browser when 'view' files are modified.
Please be sure to have Guard installed before continuing.
Install the gem:
$ gem install guard-livereload
Add it to your Gemfile (inside development group):
group :development do
gem 'guard-livereload'
Add guard definition to your Guardfile by running this command:
$ guard init livereload
Use rack-livereload or install LiveReload Safari/Chrome extension
To optimize communication with the LiveReload extension, install the yajl-ruby to increase JSON performance:
$ gem install yajl-ruby
Please read Guard usage doc and rack-livereload how it works readme section or LiveReload extension usage doc
You can adapt your 'view' files like you want. Please read Guard doc for more info about Guardfile DSL.
guard 'livereload' do
# Rails Assets Pipeline
watch(%r{(app|vendor)(/assets/\w+/(.+\.(css|js|html))).*}) { |m| "/assets/#{m[3]}" }
LiveReload guard has 6 options that you can set like this:
guard 'livereload', :api_version => '1.4', :port => '35728' do
# ...
Available options:
:api_version => '1.4' # default '1.6'
:host => '' # default ''
:port => '12345' # default '35729'
:apply_js_live => false # default true
:apply_css_live => false # default true
:grace_period => 0.5 # default 0 (seconds)
See LiveReload configuration doc for more info about those options.
- Source hosted at GitHub.
- Report issues and feature requests to GitHub Issues.
Pull requests are very welcome! Please try to follow these simple "rules", though:
- Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make.
- Make sure your patches are well tested.
- Update the README (if applicable).
- Please do not change the version number.
For questions please join us on our Google group or on #guard