To prepare the environment on Mac before downloading the Python packages, you might need to install the following:
brew install pkg-config icu4c
Then, add this to the PATH in the file ~/.zshrc
using the command below:
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/icu4c/bin:$PATH"
To run pipelines via a virtual environment make sure the virtual environment is created and dev dependencies are installed:
make dev-venv
To update:
make dev-install
Some environment variables can be set to be able to run the pipelines with real data:
make dev-run-peerscout-build-senior-editor-profiles
To run pipelines via docker, the non-dev image need to be built first via:
make build
Some environment variables can be set to be able to run the pipelines with real data:
make data-science-pipelines-run-peerscout-build-reviewing-editor-profiles
This may take several minutes to run.
make data-science-pipelines-run-peerscout-build-senior-editor-profiles
This may take several minutes to run.
make data-science-pipelines-run-peerscout-get-editor-pubmed-papers MAX_MANUSCRIPTS=10
This may take several minutes to run.
make data-science-pipelines-run-peerscout-recommend-reviewing-editors MAX_MANUSCRIPTS=10
make data-science-pipelines-run-peerscout-recommend-senior-editors MAX_MANUSCRIPTS=10
For sample requests also see:
To test the api
make peerscout-api-start
curl \
--request POST \
--data '@peerscout_api/example-data/peerscout-api-request1.json' \
http://localhost:8080/api/peerscout | jq .
to test empty abstract response:
curl \
--request POST \
--data '@peerscout_api/example-data/peerscout-api-request2.json' \
http://localhost:8080/api/peerscout | jq .
to test if the author not provide any suggestion or exclution to display 'Not Provided'.
curl \
--request POST \
--data '@peerscout_api/example-data/peerscout-api-request3.json' \
http://localhost:8080/api/peerscout | jq .