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Experience Extension Server Util

This repository is a collection of utility functions useful to creating an Ellucian Experience server endpoints.

For some examples of server microservices which use these utilities, see the Experience Ethos Examples that contains a Lambda and a Node microservice examples.


$ npm install git+


Environment Variables

You must have the following environment variable in place and available when you invoke any of the utilities provided in this project. See below for an example with the dotenv JavaScript utility.

# .env

Experience Util

getCardServerConfiguration({ jwt?, token, url? })

Retrieves Card Server Configuration from Experience using the URL passed from Experience in the Extension jwt or optionally from the url parameter. Either the jwt or the url must be used. The token is the Experience Extension API Token from Experience Setup - Extension Management. This API Token can be generated when configuring the extension.

import { experienceUtil } from '@ellucian/experience-extension-server-util'

    const extensionApiToken = process.env.EXTENSION_API_TOKEN
    const { config, error } = await experienceUtil.getCardServerConfiguration({
        token: extensionApiToken

Express Util

jwtAuthorize({ options: { secret, ignoreExpiration? } })

Provides an Express middleware that verifies the Experience JWT passed in the Authorization header. The decoded JWT is added the the request as request.jwt.

options must include a secret and optionally include the ignoreExpiration flag.

import { expressUtil } from '@ellucian/experience-extension-server-util';

apiRouter.use(expressUtil.jwtAuthorize({ options: { secret: process.env.JWT_SECRET } }));
import { expressUtil } from '@ellucian/experience-extension-server-util';

    expressUtil.jwtAuthorize({ options: { secret: process.env.JWT_SECRET } }),
    (request, response) => {
        // endpoint code

Integration Util

get({ apiKey?, context?, id?, resource, searchParams?, token?, options?: { ethosIntegrationUrl? } })

Calls a GET on the Integration Proxy API.

apiKey is the Ethos API Key to use to request an Ethos token. apiKey or token is required. These functions will cache the token in the context for subsequent usage. Note it is required in case the cached token expires and a new one is needed

context is used to cache any generated token(s). Also contains usage counts - context.ethosGetCount. If context is not passed in a context will be created and returned.

id is optional. It will be added to the resource URL to GET a resource by the GUID.

resource name to GET. i.e. 'persons', 'section-registrations', etc.

searchParams is a map of search parameters to send with the GET. If there is an Ethos criteria it will be JSON stringified if needed.

options is optional. Options can include ethosIntegrationUrl to override using the well known production URL.

An Ethos Integration token can optionally be passed. When not supplied the apiKey will be used to request a token and cache it.

import { integrationUtil } from '@ellucian/experience-extension-server-util';

    const context = {};

    const {data: sectionRegistrations} = await integrationUtil.get({
        resource: 'section-registrations',
        searchParams: {
            criteria: JSON.stringify({
                registrant: {
                    id: personId
import { integrationUtil } from '@ellucian/experience-extension-server-util';

    const context = {};

    const {data: section} = await integrationUtil.get({
        id: sectionId,
        resource: 'sections'

getToken({ apiKey, context?, options?, token })

Generates an Ethos Integration token if one is not valid and cached in the context.

apiKey is the Ethos API Key to use to request an Ethos token. apiKey or token is required. These functions will cache the token in the context for subsequent usage. Note it is required in case the cached token expires and a new one is needed

context is used to cache any generated token(s). Also contains usage counts - context.ethosGetCount. If context is not passed in a context will be created and returned.

options is optional. Options can include ethosIntegrationUrl to override using the well known production URL.

An Ethos Integration token can optionally be passed. When not supplied the apiKey will be used to request a token and cache it.

import { integrationUtil } from '@ellucian/experience-extension-server-util';

    const { token } = await getToken({ apiKey, context });

graphql({ apiKey?, context?, options?, query, token?, variables? })

apiKey is the Ethos API Key to use to request an Ethos token. apiKey or token is required. These functions will cache the token in the context for subsequent usage. Note it is required in case the cached token expires and a new one is needed

context is used to cache any generated token(s). Also contains usage counts - context.ethosGetCount. If context is not passed in a context will be created and returned.

query is a GraphQL query for Ethos Integration graphql endpoint.

options is optional. Options can include ethosIntegrationUrl to override using the well known production URL.

An Ethos Integration token can optionally be passed. When not supplied the apiKey will be used to request a token and cache it.

import { integrationUtil } from '@ellucian/experience-extension-server-util';

    const todaysSections = `
        query todaysSections($personId: ID, $yesterday: Date, $tomorrow: Date){
            sectionRegistrations : sectionRegistrations16(
                filter: {
                    registrant12: {
                        id: {EQ: $personId}
                    section16: {
                    startOn: {BEFORE: $tomorrow}
                    endOn: {AFTER: $yesterday}
                edges {
                    node {
                        sections: section16 {
                        course: course16 {
                            titles {
                            subject: subject6 {
    const variables = {
    const { data: { sectionRegistrations: { edges: sectionRegistrations } } } =
        await integrationUtil.graphql({ apiKey, context: ethosContext, query: todaysSections, variables });

Lambda Util

buildResponse({ statusCode, headers?, body})

A convienence function to build the Lambda response object.

statusCode is the HTTP status code to place in the response.

headers is optional and can supply any headers to be in the response HTTP. The Content-Type will default to application/json

body is a string or object. If body is not a string it will be JSON stringified.

import { StatusCodes } from 'http-status-codes'
import { lambdaUtil } from '@ellucian/experience-extension-server-util'

    return lambdaUtil.buildResponse({
        statusCode: StatusCodes.OK,
        body: sections

jwtAuthorizeMiddy({ options })

Provides a middy middleware which verifies the Experience JWT passed in the Authorization header. The decoded JWT is added the the request as request.jwt.

options must include a secret and optionally include the ignoreExpiration flag.

Note: it is recommended that you include the httpHeaderNormalizer middy middleware before the jwtAuthorizeMiddy

import middy from '@middy/core'
import { lambdaUtil } from '@ellucian/experience-extension-server-util'

export const handler = middy(yourFunctionHandler)

handler.use(lambdaUtil.jwtAuthorizeMiddy({ options: { secret: process.env.JWT_SECRET } }))

Copyright 2021–2022 Ellucian Company L.P. and its affiliates.


Utility functions and middleware for extension server







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Contributors 3
