AMFEXT is a PHP extension that provides encoding and decoding support for AMF0 and AMF3
branch is now PHP7
- The tests provide reasonable coverage. All encoding/decoding tests from have been used here, and some added as issues were discovered.
For PHP5 see the php56
Compiles and works on Windows and Linux, but has some memory leaks outstanding.
No plans to work on it going forward.
- Works well with
- Extension or not, encoded output and decoded input are the same, and are OK by Adobe/Apache BlazeDS.
- Removed support for recordset.
- Removed userland access to StringBuilder.
- Removed transliteration support. Can look at adding it back if necessary.
- Fixed various issues from the original version.
- Changed the object serialization to support traits and traits references.
- Setup Travis CI.
- Setup AppVeyor.
- Added scripts for testing through PHP CLI Server, which helped with detecting some issues.
- Removed userland encoding/deconding callbacks. They were too much trouble. I went for stability over flexibility.
- Date, ByteArray, and Vector are now handled in the extension.
- Re-add support for XML, XML Document.
- Write docs.
- ...