Team Members:
- Anuj Pongurlekar ([email protected])
- Eric Vetha ([email protected])
- Jerek Cheung ([email protected])
- Dino Raphael ([email protected])
- Dr. Tae Huh ([email protected])
Slug World Cup is the result of our efforts in the ECE118 course at UCSC. The project involved developing software for a robot capable of autonomously navigating through a playing field, locating goals and goalies using beacons, and scoring ping pong balls into the goal. The project integrated concepts and skills learned throughout the course, including algorithms, state machines, and control systems.
- mech-final.X: Contains the software components, including the state machine, PID controller, and all algorithms used for autonomous navigation and goal scoring.
This project is not designed to be easily replicable. The code and specific design choices were tailored to the requirements of the ECE118 course and may not be suitable for general use.
We would like to express our gratitude to our mentors, Dino Raphael and Dr. Tae Huh, for their guidance and support throughout the project.