This code is for the analysis of tomography data.
The code can read, segment, and analyze tomography data from a multitude of sources.
The main functionalities include:
- Reading and cropping XCT data
- Filtering the XCT data
- Segmenting the XCT data (binarization and watershed)
- Computing feature size from segmented data
- Computing feature size distribution
- Computing feature contact orientations
- Computing fabric tensors
There are 5 modules that do these things:
- Read
- Filter
- Segment
- Measure
- Plot
This module reads tomography data and extracts cubical subregions for analysis.
This module iteratively filters the tomography data using non-local means filter.
This module segments the data using a watershed algo and corrects over segmentation.
This module measures the particle size parameters and interparticle contacts.
This module plots the data generated from the analysis of the XCT data
pacMan uses the following libraries:
- numpy
- scipy
- statistics
- scikit-image
- tifffile
- uncertainties
- matplotlib
- spam
- glob
- numba
- tomopy
- Numba for numpy manipulations (future)
- GPU processing