"QUEEN'S GAMBIT" is a computer chess game. TWO persons can play the game sitting side by side. If anyone wants to play against the computer, he/she can also do so. The game rules and method of playing the game are given on the instruction menu of the game. The game written in C and SDL2 libraries has been used for GUI. Currently available on LINUX Kernel-based Operating Systems.
- HUMAN vs HUMAN (Two player mode)
- HUMAN vs Computer (One player mode)
- Game can be saved anytime and can be continued at convenient time
- Four Difficulty Levels
The main objectives of the game:
- To improve skill in playing chess
- For enjoyment
- To learn about Artificial Intelligence
- To improve programming and problem solving skill in C
- C
- SDL2
- SDL2_image
- LINUX kernel based Operating Systems such as Ubuntu, POP OS etc.
Run the following commands on your Linux terminal.
$ sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libsdl2-image-dev
git clone https://github.com/euler1729/CHESS-AI.git
Go to the CHESS-AI directory and run the following command
$ make && make clean && ./QueensGambit -g
- Mahmudul Hasan - @euler1729
- Ahad Bin Islam Shoeb -@ShoebAhad