This repo contains the source code for the computer version of Anki.
Anki is a spaced repetition program. Please see the website to learn more.
If you'd like to try development builds of Anki but don't feel comfortable building the code, please see Anki betas
For more information on building and developing, please see Development.
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Anki's license: LICENSE
For more information on building, please see Development.
iniju, Re: Help understanding acronyms on anki database, Oct 11, 2012, 6:28:58 PM to AnkiDroid, [email protected] Not sure about all of them, since this is port of libanki and the names were decided by Damien, but the cryptic ones:
- crt: created time
- ver: collection version
- scm: schema version
- dty: dirty flag?
- usn: universal serial number, used during syncs
- dconf: deck configuration
- mid: model id
- cid: card id
- nid: note id
- did: deck id
- oid: old id
- odid: old deck id
- ivl: interval
- reps: number of repetitions
- ord: ordinal?
- csum: checksum
- flds: fields
- odue: old due value
But all this comes from libanki of the anki project, so you're probably better off if you base your analysis on the original.
Cheers Kostas
On Tuesday, 9 October 2012 20:56:04 UTC+1, urlwolf wrote: Hi, First of all, congrats on ankiDroid 2. I've used ankiDroid since Jan 2011 and the improvements in speed are very noticeable.
I'm considering whether it'd be possible to write a webapp (unrelated to languages) that would interface with anki/ankiDroid. For that, I'm thinking the scheduler algo must be mostly the same. Is this correct?
I'm reading the code. First I want to understand the database. I guess the place to start would be:
private static void _addSchema(AnkiDb db, boolean setColConf) { db.execute("create table if not exists col ( " + "id integer primary key, " + "crt integer not null," + "mod integer not null," + "scm integer not null," + "ver integer not null," + "dty integer not null," + "usn integer not null," + "ls integer not null," + "conf text not null," + "models text not null," + "decks text not null," + "dconf text not null," + "tags text not null" + ");"); db.execute("create table if not exists notes (" + " id integer primary key," + " guid text not null," + " mid integer not null," + " mod integer not null," + " usn integer not null," + " tags text not null," + " flds text not null," + " sfld integer not null," + " csum integer not null," + " flags integer not null," + " data text not null" + ");"); db.execute("create table if not exists cards (" + " id integer primary key," + " nid integer not null," + " did integer not null," + " ord integer not null," + " mod integer not null," + " usn integer not null," + " type integer not null," + " queue integer not null," + " due integer not null," + " ivl integer not null," + " factor integer not null," + " reps integer not null," + " lapses integer not null," + " left integer not null," + " odue integer not null," + " odid integer not null," + " flags integer not null," + " data text not null" + ");"); db.execute("create table if not exists revlog (" + " id integer primary key," + " cid integer not null," + " usn integer not null," + " ease integer not null," + " ivl integer not null," + " lastIvl integer not null," + " factor integer not null," + " time integer not null," + " type integer not null" + ");"); db.execute("create table if not exists graves (" + " usn integer not null," + " oid integer not null," + " type integer not null" + ")"); db.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO col VALUES(1,0,0," + Utils.intNow(1000) + "," + Collection.SCHEMA_VERSION + ",0,0,0,'','{}','','','{}')"); if (setColConf) { _setColVars(db); } }
But the column names don't make any sense to me. They look like acronyms. Is this documented anywhere? If no documentation (no worries!) Is there any other way I could guess the names?