This project was initially created by ExcID and Guardtime in the context of the DISGRID project, which was funded by SecurIT open call #2.
This repository includes the source code of our Software Transparency as a Service platform. STaaS uses Fulcio CA for generating short-lived certificates bound to the email of a user. User authentication to the the STaaS platform is implemented using OpenID connect. Then, STaaS platform acts as an IdP and issues a token, which is consumed by Fulcio to generate a signing certificate. Finally, this certificate is used to sign the provided artifact.
All signatures are recorded in the public instance of Rekor and can be verified using Cosign.
We will use a self-hosted version of Fulcio CA
Particularly, we will use Fulcio v1.4.4 with in-disk file keys. Generate a CA certificate and a key using the following command (make sure you are using a proper password)
openssl req -x509 \
-newkey ed25519 \
-sha256 \
-keyout fulcio-key.pem \
-out fulcio-cert.pem \
-subj "/CN=fulcioCA" \
-days 36500 \
-addext basicConstraints=critical,CA:TRUE,pathlen:1 \
-passout pass:"123456"
Then, modify the configuration in /etc/fulcio-config/config.json
to include STaaS
platform in its least of IdPs. You should add the following lines (replace
with the URL of you STaaS deployment).
Add the following lines
"OIDCIssuers": {
"": {
"IssuerURL": "",
"ClientID": "sigstore",
"Type": "email"
Supposedly, the keys generated with the previous step are
stored in /etc/fulcio-config/
Fulcio can be started using the
following command (but don't start it yet, STaaS platform
must be executed first).
fulcio serve \
--port 6002 \
--ca fileca \
--fileca-cert=/etc/fulcio-config/fulcio-cert.pem \
--fileca-key=/etc/fulcio-config/fulcio-key.pem \
--fileca-key-passwd="123456" \
STaaS platform is implemented using .net 8.0
STaaS platform includes two configuration files, one for the development environment (appsettings.Development.json
and another for the production environment (appsettings.Production.json
). You should configure both
of them. Your should configure three sections in the configuration file.
The first section is the OpenId
section. STaaS uses OpenId connect as an authentication mechanism.
You should provide information about your OpenId provider of preference (e.g., Google, Github, Auth0, or even
an instance of Keycloak).
The second section the is the IdP
section. STaaS platform generates and signs an identity token
used for obtaining a certificate from Fulcio. For this reason you need to generate a signing key.
This key can be generated using OpenSSL using the following command (make sure you are using a proper password):
openssl ecparam -out ecparam.pem -name prime256v1
openssl genpkey -paramfile ecparam.pem -out idtoken-key.pem -aes-128-cbc -pass pass:"1234564"
Configure the IdP section with the path to the generated key and the used password. Moreover,
configure the iss
parameter with the URL of your deployment.
The final section is the Sigstore
section. There, you should provide the URL to
Fulcio, as well as the path to he Fulcio certificate generated previously.
As a next step you should prepare STaaS platform's database. This release of STaaS platform uses SQLite so no additional server needs to be installed. The database tables are configures using the following procedure (Note this procedure will delete any existing tables):
From Staas
folder run:
dotnet-ef migrations add InitialCreate
If ef
is not available, install it using the command dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
Then execute
dotnet ef database update
First run the STaaS platform .net code by executing from the STaas
dotnet run
Then execute Fulcio. Supposedly, Fulcio keys are
stored in /etc/fulcio-config/
Fulcio can be started using the
following command:
fulcio serve \
--port 6002 \
--ca fileca \
--fileca-cert=/etc/fulcio-config/fulcio-cert.pem \
--fileca-key=/etc/fulcio-config/fulcio-key.pem \
--fileca-key-passwd="123456" \
You can upload any file and sign it. Then, you can download the signature bundle and
the certificate of the Fulcio CA and verify the the signature using Cosign using the
following command (replace
with the URL of you STaaS deployment
and [email protected] with your email):
cosign verify-blob \
[email protected] \
--certificate-oidc-issuer= \
--certificate-chain ca.pem \
--insecure-ignore-sct \
--bundle signature.bundle FILE
You can monitor the public Rekor service for records by STaaS platform
using rekor-monitor
For example the following commands monitors every 5m the Rekor registry for records made
by the public instance of STaaS platform on behalf of the email [email protected]
./rekor-monitor/cmd/verifier/verifier -url= \
-file="registry.log" \
-output-identities="identities.log" \
-interval=5m \
- certSubject: [email protected]