A tiny package that adds an update process to your project
Add https://github.com/exelban/updater
in the Swift Package Manager tab in the XCode.
First of all, you need to initialize the Updater. You need to pass providers to the init function that will be used to fetch updates:
let updater = Updater(name: "Stats",
providers: [
Updater.Github(user: "exelban", repo: "stats", asset: "Stats.dmg")
updater.check() { result, error in
if error != nil {
print("error updater.check() \(error!)")
let local = Updater.Tag(Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleShortVersionString") as! String)
guard let external = result else {
print("no external release found")
if local >= external.tag {
self.updater.download(url, done: { path in
self.updater.install(path: path)
Originally this package was designed to work only with Github Releases. But now it supports different providers:
- Github Releases
- Custom server (TODO)