#ILLAE - landing page Using passport as authentication method
##Folder structure
- app ------ models ---------- user.js ------ routes.js
- config ------ auth.js ------ database.js ------ passport.js
- views ------ index.ejs ------ login.ejs ------ signup.ejs ------ profile.ejs
- package.json
- server.js
node server.js
to run the page at localhost:8080
now you can use /signup
to signup a new account to local session
Landing page ![Image of landing page] (https://github.com/ilooklike/illae/blob/master/screenshots/mainscreen.png)
Signup page ![!Image of signup page] (https://github.com/ilooklike/illae/blob/master/screenshots/signup.png)
Profile page ![!Image of profile page] (https://github.com/ilooklike/illae/blob/master/screenshots/profile.png) ![Image of using facebook login] (https://github.com/ilooklike/illae/blob/master/screenshots/facebook.png) ![Image of using Google login] (https://github.com/ilooklike/illae/blob/master/screenshots/loginWithG.png)