Simple library to use the complete Leap Motion SDK in Processing.
The Leap detects and tracks hands, fingers and finger-like tools. The device operates in an intimate proximity with high precision and tracking frame rate.
The Leap software analyzes the objects observed in the device field of view. It recognizes hands, fingers, and tools, reporting both discrete positions and motion. The Leap field of view is an inverted pyramid centered on the device. The effective range of the Leap extends from approximately 25 to 600 millimeters above the device (1 inch to 2 feet).
Note: If you are interested in the newest development implementation, so have a look at the dev branch.
Unzip and put the extracted LeapMotionForProcessing folder into the libraries folder of your Processing sketches. Reference and examples are included in the LeapMotionForProcessing folder. For further help read the tutorial by Daniel Shiffman.
- Leap Motion Software 2.2.5+26752
- OSX (Mac OS 10.7 and higher)
- Linux (not tested yet, but it should work) (Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS and Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail)
- Windows (not tested yet, but x86 and x64 should work) (Windows 7 and 8)
Processing version:
- 3.0a5
- 2.2.1
- 2.1.2
- 2.1.1
- 2.1.0
- 2.0.1
- 2.0b9
- 2.0b8
- 2.0b7
Leap Motion Software version:
- 2.2.5+26752
- 2.2.4+26750
- 2.2.3+25971
- 2.2.1+24116
- 2.2.0+23475
- 2.1.6+23110
- 2.1.5+22699
- 2.0.5+18024 BETA
- 2.0.4+17546 BETA
- 2.0.3+17004 BETA
- 2.0.2+16391 BETA
- 2.0.1+15831 BETA
- 2.0.0+13819 BETA
- ...
- Basic Data-Access → e1_basic.pde
- Gesture-Recognition → e2_gestures.pde
- Camera-Images → e3_camera_images.pde
Before you start to code I recommend you to read the official basic introduction.
import de.voidplus.leapmotion.*;
LeapMotion leap;
void setup(){
size(800, 500, OPENGL);
// ...
leap = new LeapMotion(this);
void draw(){
// ...
int fps = leap.getFrameRate();
// ========= HANDS =========
for(Hand hand : leap.getHands()){
// ----- BASICS -----
int hand_id = hand.getId();
PVector hand_position = hand.getPosition();
PVector hand_stabilized = hand.getStabilizedPosition();
PVector hand_direction = hand.getDirection();
PVector hand_dynamics = hand.getDynamics();
float hand_roll = hand.getRoll();
float hand_pitch = hand.getPitch();
float hand_yaw = hand.getYaw();
boolean hand_is_left = hand.isLeft();
boolean hand_is_right = hand.isRight();
float hand_grab = hand.getGrabStrength();
float hand_pinch = hand.getPinchStrength();
float hand_time = hand.getTimeVisible();
PVector sphere_position = hand.getSpherePosition();
float sphere_radius = hand.getSphereRadius();
// ----- SPECIFIC FINGER -----
Finger finger_thumb = hand.getThumb();
// or hand.getFinger("thumb");
// or hand.getFinger(0);
Finger finger_index = hand.getIndexFinger();
// or hand.getFinger("index");
// or hand.getFinger(1);
Finger finger_middle = hand.getMiddleFinger();
// or hand.getFinger("middle");
// or hand.getFinger(2);
Finger finger_ring = hand.getRingFinger();
// or hand.getFinger("ring");
// or hand.getFinger(3);
Finger finger_pink = hand.getPinkyFinger();
// or hand.getFinger("pinky");
// or hand.getFinger(4);
// ----- DRAWING -----
// hand.drawSphere();
// ========= ARM =========
Arm arm = hand.getArm();
float arm_width = arm.getWidth();
PVector arm_wrist_pos = arm.getWristPosition();
PVector arm_elbow_pos = arm.getElbowPosition();
// ========= FINGERS =========
for(Finger finger : hand.getFingers()){
// ----- BASICS -----
int finger_id = finger.getId();
PVector finger_position = finger.getPosition();
PVector finger_stabilized = finger.getStabilizedPosition();
PVector finger_velocity = finger.getVelocity();
PVector finger_direction = finger.getDirection();
float finger_time = finger.getTimeVisible();
// ----- SPECIFIC FINGER -----
case 0:
// System.out.println("thumb");
case 1:
// System.out.println("index");
case 2:
// System.out.println("middle");
case 3:
// System.out.println("ring");
case 4:
// System.out.println("pinky");
// ----- SPECIFIC BONE -----
Bone bone_distal = finger.getDistalBone();
// or finger.get("distal");
// or finger.getBone(0);
Bone bone_intermediate = finger.getIntermediateBone();
// or finger.get("intermediate");
// or finger.getBone(1);
Bone bone_proximal = finger.getProximalBone();
// or finger.get("proximal");
// or finger.getBone(2);
Bone bone_metacarpal = finger.getMetacarpalBone();
// or finger.get("metacarpal");
// or finger.getBone(3);
// ----- DRAWING -----
// finger.draw(); // = drawLines()+drawJoints()
// finger.drawLines();
// finger.drawJoints();
// ----- TOUCH EMULATION -----
int touch_zone = finger.getTouchZone();
float touch_distance = finger.getTouchDistance();
case -1: // None
case 0: // Hovering
// println("Hovering (#"+finger_id+"): "+touch_distance);
case 1: // Touching
// println("Touching (#"+finger_id+")");
// ========= TOOLS =========
for(Tool tool : hand.getTools()){
// ----- BASICS -----
int tool_id = tool.getId();
PVector tool_position = tool.getPosition();
PVector tool_stabilized = tool.getStabilizedPosition();
PVector tool_velocity = tool.getVelocity();
PVector tool_direction = tool.getDirection();
float tool_time = tool.getTimeVisible();
// ----- DRAWING -----
// tool.draw();
// ----- TOUCH EMULATION -----
int touch_zone = tool.getTouchZone();
float touch_distance = tool.getTouchDistance();
case -1: // None
case 0: // Hovering
// println("Hovering (#"+tool_id+"): "+touch_distance);
case 1: // Touching
// println("Touching (#"+tool_id+")");
// ========= DEVICES =========
for(Device device : leap.getDevices()){
float device_horizontal_view_angle = device.getHorizontalViewAngle();
float device_verical_view_angle = device.getVerticalViewAngle();
float device_range = device.getRange();
// ========= CALLBACKS =========
void leapOnInit(){
// println("Leap Motion Init");
void leapOnConnect(){
// println("Leap Motion Connect");
void leapOnFrame(){
// println("Leap Motion Frame");
void leapOnDisconnect(){
// println("Leap Motion Disconnect");
void leapOnExit(){
// println("Leap Motion Exit");
Source: Leap Motion
import de.voidplus.leapmotion.*;
LeapMotion leap;
void setup(){
size(800, 500, OPENGL);
// ...
leap = new LeapMotion(this).withGestures();
// leap = new LeapMotion(this).withGestures("circle, swipe, screen_tap, key_tap");
// leap = new LeapMotion(this).withGestures("swipe"); // Leap detects only swipe gestures.
void draw(){
// ...
// ----- SWIPE GESTURE -----
void leapOnSwipeGesture(SwipeGesture g, int state){
int id = g.getId();
Finger finger = g.getFinger();
PVector position = g.getPosition();
PVector position_start = g.getStartPosition();
PVector direction = g.getDirection();
float speed = g.getSpeed();
long duration = g.getDuration();
float duration_seconds = g.getDurationInSeconds();
case 1: // Start
case 2: // Update
case 3: // Stop
println("SwipeGesture: "+id);
// ----- CIRCLE GESTURE -----
void leapOnCircleGesture(CircleGesture g, int state){
int id = g.getId();
Finger finger = g.getFinger();
PVector position_center = g.getCenter();
float radius = g.getRadius();
float progress = g.getProgress();
long duration = g.getDuration();
float duration_seconds = g.getDurationInSeconds();
int direction = g.getDirection();
case 1: // Start
case 2: // Update
case 3: // Stop
println("CircleGesture: "+id);
case 0: // Anticlockwise/Left gesture
case 1: // Clockwise/Right gesture
// ----- SCREEN TAP GESTURE -----
void leapOnScreenTapGesture(ScreenTapGesture g){
int id = g.getId();
Finger finger = g.getFinger();
PVector position = g.getPosition();
PVector direction = g.getDirection();
long duration = g.getDuration();
float duration_seconds = g.getDurationInSeconds();
println("ScreenTapGesture: "+id);
// ----- KEY TAP GESTURE -----
void leapOnKeyTapGesture(KeyTapGesture g){
int id = g.getId();
Finger finger = g.getFinger();
PVector position = g.getPosition();
PVector direction = g.getDirection();
long duration = g.getDuration();
float duration_seconds = g.getDurationInSeconds();
println("KeyTapGesture: "+id);
import de.voidplus.leapmotion.*;
LeapMotion leap;
void setup(){
size(640, 480, OPENGL);
leap = new LeapMotion(this);
void draw(){
// ========= CAMERA IMAGES =========
if (leap.hasImages()) {
for (Image camera : leap.getImages()) {
if (camera.isLeft()) {
// left camera
image(camera, 0, 0);
} else {
// right camera
image(camera, 0, camera.getHeight());
You can find the changes in the release section.
Don't be shy and feel free to contact me on Twitter: @darius_morawiec
The library is Open Source Software released under the License.