Firmware for the OpenScope MZ - an open source, multi-function, electronic instrumentation device that can be controlled using a computer or mobile device.
- Buy and OpenScope MZ
- Getting Started Guide for non-developer
- Reference Material
- Digilent Instrumentation Protocol
- WaveForms Live
Precompiled binaries available here.
- Install Arduino 1.6.9 IDE.
- (Other versions of the Arduino IDE have not been tested and may not work).
- Install the Digilent Core for Arduino as described here.
- Clone this repository into a folder named 'OpenScope' (the foldername must match for the .ino to open correctly).
git clone OpenScope
- Copy the supporting libraries from OpenScope/libraries into the Arduion libraries folder (See File>>Preferences>>Sketchook locaion in Arduino IDE).
- Open OpenScope.ino in the Arduino IDE.
- Connect the OpenScope MZ to the computer via USB.
- Click Tools>>Board>>OpenScope.
- Click Tools>>Port and select the COM port associated with the OpenScope MZ.
- Click Upload to compile the firmware and upload it to the OpenScope MZ.
Digilent Forums - WaveForms Live and OpenScope MZ
Author: Keith Vogel