A Java API for Ohloh.
Dependency declaration:
Retrieve an account:
OhlohClient client = new OhlohClient("YOUR API KEY");
Account account = client.getAccount("113399");
Retrieve all the accounts containing the word "Alex" in the name:
OhlohClient client = new OhlohClient("YOUR API KEY");
Query<Account> query = QueryBuilders.accountQuery().query("alex").build();
Iterator<Account> accounts = client.getAccounts(query);
while(accounts.hasNext()) System.out.println(accounts.next().getName());
Retrieve all the projects sorted by name:
OhlohClient client = new OhlohClient("YOUR API KEY");
Query<Project> query = QueryBuilders.projectQuery().sort(ProjectSort.NAME).build();
Iterator<Project> projectIterator = client.getProjects(query);
while(projectIterator.hasNext()) System.out.println(projectIterator.next().getName());
* 1.0.1 fixed the groupId
* 1.0.0 first release