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Viewer of traffic in the Geneva area, based on TPG API info and GPS info applied to OSM data

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Repository files navigation

Several projects to make this site work:

  • data-gatherer: process that queries TPG API ( and OpenWeatherMap API ( and saves the data on the database
  • db-status: web service that shows if data is being gathered or not
  • jpa: JPA entities used by data-gatherer and analyzer to interface with the database
  • viewer: web application showing the map and the time navigator
  • analyzer: Contains stuff to prepare the data and a R project that creates some regression models to predict traffic speed

1 Build

The project can be built with Maven:

mvn install

Probably you want to disable tests, which are not unit but functional and try to do some database connections, among other things:

mvn install -DskipTests=true

The .war files generated in the previous step can be packed as docker images using

2 Deploy data gathering services

2.1 PostgreSQL/PostGIS

We use the image created by kartoza.

  1. Create a folder in the server where the postgresql data is to be held
  2. Launch a container based on the image

Create database

  1. Connect to the database with PostgreSQL superuser

  2. Execute

    create database tpg; create user tpg login nosuperuser inherit nocreatedb nocreaterole; alter user tpg password '**********'; alter database tpg owner to tpg; \c tpg create extension postgis; create extension hstore;

  3. Close connection

2.2 Create database model

In the database, as tpg user:

psql -h localhost -U tpg -d tpg -p <port> -c "create schema app;"
psql -h localhost -U tpg -d tpg -p <port> -f jpa/db.sql

2.3 Data-gatherer

All docker images accessing the database, like data-gatherer, take into account the following environment variables:

  • TRAFFIC_VIEWER_JPA_LOG_LEVEL=<value for eclipselink.logging.level property>

Execute a docker container with the data-gatherer image created before using the previous environment variables to point to the PostgreSQL/PostGIS container.

A volume can be mounted in /var/traffic-viewer in order to get a file with the log.

See logs to check it is working.

2.4 dbstatus

Like data-gatherer, this image accesses the database.

Execute a docker container with the data-gatherer image created before using the previous environment variables to point to the PostgreSQL/PostGIS container. Map port to 8080 in order to access the service.

Navigate to http://<server>:<mappedport>/dbstatus to check if data is being collected or not.

3 Deploy viewer


In the database, as tpg user:

-- Shift + OSMSegment join
create materialized view app.geoshift as 
		osm.geom, osm.startnode, osm.endnode, s.*, r.distance / (s.seconds / (60.0*60)) as speed
		app.osmsegment osm, app.shift s, app.tpgstoproute r, app.tpgstoproute_osmsegment r_osm
		s.seconds > 0
		s."timestamp" > (
			extract ( 
				epoch from localtimestamp
		) and
		s.route_id =
		and = r_osm.tpgstoproute_id
		r_osm.segments_id =;
create index ON app.geoshift ("timestamp");  

-- navigation timestamps
create materialized view app.timestamps as
				extract ( 
					epoch from localtimestamp
				)*1000 - 24*60*60*1000
			)::bigint / 900000) * 900000,
		) as millis
	from app.shift;

-- Create a table adding to the osmshiftinfo a timestamp for drawing
create materialized view app.timestamped_measured_geoshifts as
		to_timestamp(timestamps.millis/1000) as draw_timestamp, geoshift.*
		app.timestamps timestamps,
		app.geoshift geoshift
		timestamps.millis >= geoshift.timestamp
		not exists (
				app.geoshift geoshift2 
				geoshift.startnode = geoshift2.startnode
				geoshift.endnode = geoshift2.endnode
				timestamps.millis > geoshift2.timestamp
				geoshift2.timestamp > geoshift.timestamp
create index ON app.timestamped_measured_geoshifts (draw_timestamp);

create materialized view app.predicted_geoshift as 
		osm.geom, osm.startnode, osm.endnode,, to_timestamp(s.millis/1000) as draw_timestamp, s.speed, s.predictionerror
		app.osmsegment osm, app.predictedshift s
create index ON app.predicted_geoshift (draw_timestamp);  

-- Predicted and measured osmshifts
create materialized view app.timestamped_geoshift as 
	(select id, geom, draw_timestamp, speed, -1 as predictionerror from app.timestamped_measured_geoshifts)
	(select id, geom, draw_timestamp, speed, predictionerror from app.predicted_geoshift where draw_timestamp > (select max(draw_timestamp) from app.timestamped_measured_geoshifts));

3.2 geoserver

We use the image built prepared by Óscar Fonts.

Execute a docker container with this image. Generate a volume on /var/local/geoserver in order to get the configuration saved permanently. Map port to 8080.

limit CRS output in GetCapabilities

Comma separated and without the "EPSG:" prefix:

Servicios > WMS > Lista de SRS limitada > 900913, 4326

Roads layer

  1. Create a workspace, a data store and a layer pointing to the app.timestamped_osmshiftinfo view

  2. Create a style

    Default Line
       <Title>A boring default style</Title>
       <Abstract>A sample style that just prints out a green line</Abstract>
       <!-- FeatureTypeStyles describe how to render different features -->
       <!-- a feature type for lines -->
           <Title>[0, 20[</Title>
               <CssParameter name="stroke">#ff0000</CssParameter>
               <CssParameter name="stroke-width">4</CssParameter>
           <Title>[20, 30[</Title>
               <CssParameter name="stroke">#ffba00</CssParameter>
               <CssParameter name="stroke-width">4</CssParameter>
           <Title>[30, 40[</Title>
               <CssParameter name="stroke">#ffff00</CssParameter>
               <CssParameter name="stroke-width">4</CssParameter>
           <Title>[40, Inf[</Title>
               <CssParameter name="stroke">#00ff00</CssParameter>
               <CssParameter name="stroke-width">4</CssParameter>
  3. Set the style in the layer

  4. Set draw_timestamp as temporal column in the dimension tab.

  5. Navigate to http://<server>:<mappedport>/geoserver/

3.3 Viewer

Execute a docker container with the viewer image created before. This image is refreshing the materialized views regularly so they also take the TRAFFIC_VIEWER_DB_XXX environment variables into account.

  • -e GEOLADRIS_MINIFIED=true is necessary in order to get a minified version of the application.
  • Map port to 8080 in order to access the service.

Navigate to http://<server>:<mappedport>/traffic-viewer.

3.4 nginx

We need to get GeoServer and the viewer on the same server and port, so we use nginx as reverse proxy. We use the nginx:alpine image

3.5 Monit

  1. Check disk space, as it may get full

    check device disk with path / if SPACE usage > 70% then alert

  2. Check if data is being collected using the dbstatus service.

    check host data-gatherer with address if failed
    port 80 protocol http request "/dbstatus/" with content = "weather: success\ntransport: success" then alert

  3. Check Geoserver is up

    check host border-rampage-geoserver with address start = "/usr/bin/docker start gs" stop = "/usr/bin/docker stop gs" if failed port 80 protocol http request "/geoserver/ows?service=wms&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities" then restart

4 Data preparation

4.1 OSM Data download

wget ',46.2145,6.1287,46.2782' -O ligne-y.osm.xml

4.2 Distances between stops. TPGStopRoute* tables

  • Generate reference table tpgstops with TPGStopExtractor, getting coordinates from TPG API

  • Visualize generated stops with QGIS project in data-gatherer/network/qgis.qgs

  • Download OSM data. E.g.:,46.2026,6.1551,46.3405

  • Execute BusLineExtractor to generate tables: osmlines, osmlinenodes and osmstops

  • Check these tables contains osm nodes for stops in both directions and the line network

    • It is possible to check in OSM: Select "transport map -> map data" to obtain nodes osm_ids
    • reference table tpgstops
    • in it is possible to get the position of the stop in thermometer: "Afficher la position de l'arrêt sur une carte"
  • Add manually the stops to app.tpgstop2

  • LineRouter use in order to calculate the routes between the stops. A txt file has to be generated with this format:

      name:F # matches line in app.tpgstop2
      forward:GEX # matches destination in app.tpgstop2
      backward:GARE CORNAVIN # matches destination in app.tpgstop2
      TPG stop codes in forward order
    • If a step is not calculated it is most probably due to one-way=yes. Modify it in osm-overrides.xml
  • Ejecutar DistanceCalculator para generar las tablas TPGStopRoute y TPGStopRouteSegments

4.3 Stops info

insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 792507552, 'GXAI');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 983750310, 'GXGC');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 792507541, 'GXPO');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 792508180, 'VRTC');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 1006118091, 'TGIN');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 1006118131, 'LHCY');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 983749484, 'CYNT');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 1006118105, 'SGNY');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 1006118157, 'MCON');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 1006118146, 'OXFR');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 1114944131, 'PPLA');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', -3, 'ORRO');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 1006118191, 'CHVO');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 856482153, 'FEMA');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 856482206, 'AJUR');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 856482201, 'JAGI');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 856482240, 'BRUN');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 856482246, 'FVDO');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 856482284, 'GSDN');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 858297354, 'TRTI');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 864555974, 'PR47');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 864555979, 'SUSE');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 528517474, 'GSAC');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 856482141, 'POMI');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 768498714, 'MORL');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 936369115, 'OMS0');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 768498709, 'BIT0');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 856482086, 'APIA');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 768498773, 'NATI');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 768498766, 'VRBE');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 768498760, 'VLAI');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 768498763, 'POST');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GARE CORNAVIN', 'F', 768498764, 'CVIN');

insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 2976733717, 'CVIN');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 768498761, 'POST');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 844755267, 'VLAI');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 768498769, 'VRBE');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 768498772, 'NATI');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 768498728, 'APIA');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 923961689, 'BIT0');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 448298236, 'OMS0');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 768498717, 'MORL');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 528517472, 'POMI');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 856482169, 'GSAC');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 768498690, 'SUSE');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 768498691, 'PR47');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 768498663, 'TRTI');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 768498669, 'GSDN');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 856482250, 'FVDO');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 856482238, 'BRUN');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 856482185, 'JAGI');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 856482209, 'AJUR');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 856482153, 'FEMA');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 983750445, 'CHVO');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', -2, 'ORRO');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 1006118198, 'PPLA');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 289982136, 'OXFR');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 983750372, 'MCON');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 983749436, 'SGNY');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 1006118124, 'CYNT');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 983750406, 'LHCY');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 1006118085, 'TGIN');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 792508187, 'VRTC');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 792507546, 'GXPO');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 1006118064, 'GXGC');
insert into app.tpgstop2 (destination, line, osmid, tpgcode) values('GEX', 'F', 2080973355, 'GXAI');

create table app.tpgstop (code varchar primary key, osmid1 bigint, destination1 varchar, osmid2 bigint, destination2 varchar);
insert into app.tpgstop values ('VATH', 1161861705, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1161866554, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('THGA', 1163093869, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1163095721, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('THMA', 1163096998, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1163098489, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('PAGN', 1163102046, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1163103186, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('POLT', 1163105001, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1163105239, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('SGBO', 1163107267, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1163108665, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('SGGA', 1163111715, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1163110158, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('JMON', 1056918692, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1056918415, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('CFUS', 1147990917, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1147989553, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('HTAI', 1147987261, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1147988700, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('PLIO', 1147984369, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1147985005, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('MLVT', 1147982433, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1147980792, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('SHUM', 2616483546, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 2616483546, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('CERN', 1266403296, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1550672551, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('MAIX', 1266403290, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1550672646, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('HTOU', 849526630, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 849526627, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('MAIL', 849526649, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 849526651, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('VROT', 849526643, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 849526648, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('PFON', 849526642, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 849526658, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('LMLD', 849465151, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 849465150, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('ZIMG', 60068512, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 60068512, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('PRGM', 849526657, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 849526656, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('SIGN', 858297454, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 858297452, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('RENF', 858297423, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 858297427, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('BLDO', 858297429, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 858297430, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('GDHA', 858297435, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1599295215, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('ICC0', 1599295246, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 858297402, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('TOCO', 767859762, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 858297405, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('WTC0', 767859834, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 858297414, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('AERO', 767859830, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 767859832, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('AREN', 903992166, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 767859827, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('PXPH', 767859911, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 767859914, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('FRET', 858297375, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 858297383, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('TRTI', 768498663, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 768498666, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('GSDN', 768498669, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 856482284, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('FVDO', 856482250, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 856482246, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('BRUN', 856482238, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 856482240, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('JAGI', 856482185, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 856482201, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('AJUR', 856482209, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 856482206, 'VAL-THOIRY');
insert into app.tpgstop values ('FEMA', 1186330722, 'FERNEY-VOLTAIRE', 1186330722, 'VAL-THOIRY');

5 Analysis

5.1 Load backups in database

psql -h localhost -U geomatico -d postgres -p54322
create database tpganalysis;
\c tpganalysis 
create extension postgis;
grant all on DATABASE tpganalysis to tpg;
psql -h localhost -U tpg -d tpganalysis -p54322
create schema app;
pg_restore -h localhost -U tpg -d tpganalysis -p 54322 allnewmodel.backup
# backup current database
alter schema app rename to backup;
create schema app;
pg_restore -h localhost -U tpg -d tpganalysis -p 54322 allnewmodel.backup
# merge backups


Viewer of traffic in the Geneva area, based on TPG API info and GPS info applied to OSM data






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