A reporter for webdriver.io which generates a nice HTML report.
The name is silly but provides integration with webdriverio
You need to remove the log4Js logger initialization from your config
You may need changes in your test app
This project is a rewrite of @rpii/wdio-html-reporter It is written in typescript with many enhancements.
The following code shows the default wdio test runner configuration. Just add an HtmlReporter object as another reporter to the reporters array:
A functioning wdio.config.ts is provided in the /samples/wdio.config.ts
below are snippets from that file.
// wdio.config.ts
import {ReportGenerator, HtmlReporter} from 'wdio-html-nice-reporter';
let reportAggregator: ReportGenerator;
const BaseConfig: WebdriverIO.Config = {
reporters: ['spec',
["html-nice", {
outputDir: './reports/html-reports/',
filename: 'report.html',
reportTitle: 'Test Report Title',
linkScreenshots: true,
//to show the report in a browser when done
showInBrowser: true,
collapseTests: false,
//to turn on screenshots after every test
useOnAfterCommandForScreenshot: false
webdriver.io will call the reporter for each test suite. It does not aggregate the reports. To do this, add the following event handlers to your wdio.config.js
Add to browser config file:
let reportAggregator : ReportAggregator;
Add to browser config object:
onPrepare: function(config, capabilities) {
reportAggregator = new ReportGenerator({
outputDir: './reports/html-reports/',
filename: 'master-report.html',
reportTitle: 'Master Report',
browserName: capabilities.browserName,
collapseTests: true
onComplete: function (exitCode, config, capabilities, results) {
(async () => {
await reportAggregator.createReport();
Requires an additional plugin to keep the support lightweight for those that dont want it. see @rpii/wdio-html-reporter-pdf
This must be set manually. Its not available at config time since the browser object doesnt exist until you start a session.