This Terraform module creates New Relic alerts and a dashboard to monitor an application. It also allows for sending notifications to VictorOps.
provider "newrelic" {
account_id = Your New Relic account id
api_key = "Your New Relic API key"
admin_api_key = "Your New Relic admin API key"
region = "Your New Relic account region (US or EU)"
module "newrelic_monitoring" {
source = "vistaprint/monitoring/newrelic"
version = "1.0.0"
newrelic_account_id = Your New Relic account id
newrelic_app_name = "Your app name"
newrelic_fully_qualified_app_name = "Team/PRD/App"
service_healthcheck_url = ""
enable_victorops_notifications = true
victorops_api_key = "Your VictorOps API key"
victorops_urgent_routing_key = "your-team-urgent"
victorops_non_urgent_routing_key = "your-team-non-urgent"
for more information on the input variables that the module accepts. For instance, the default values for an alert's duration and threshold can be overridden. The following example shows how to do so:
module "newrelic_monitoring" {
source = "vistaprint/monitoring/newrelic"
version = "1.0.0"
# some fields ommitted (see previous example)
alert_error_rate_5xx_duration = 600 # seconds
alert_error_rate_5xx_threshold = 5 # percentage