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Computer Operating Ballistic Rocket Assembly

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Installation and compilation

TTY listener

git clone
cd cobraV2/serial_read

# run or build the code
go run .
go build .


You may have to delete go.mod file (if you have other go version) and go mod init the project. To install all dependencies you can use go mod tidy command or you can mannualy install them by go get [package] command.

Monitoring tool

git clone
cd cobraV2/monitor

# run or build the code
go run .
go build .


For cross-compiling you will need to specify a CC to compile c-based libraries for pixel2 library. Example command: CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=1 go build . For more information see: Pixel2 Wiki | Cross Compiling

Preview of monitoring tool

Sender and Reciever

Upload sender and reciever code on the 2 arduinos.


Uplading can be done via Arduino IDE or via arduino-cli terminal tool. Install arduino-ide or arduino-cli on your device, connect the arduino via usb, and upload the code.

Uplading via arduino-cli

To upload via arduino-cli connect arduino board to the computer.

  • To get boards fbqn run arduino-cli board list command
  • Then compile your code with arduino-cli compile -b "fqbn" "path to script"
  • Finnaly upload your code to arduino with arduino-cli upload -b "fqbn" -p "port" "path to script"
$ arduino-cli board list
arduino-cli board list
Port         Protocol Type              Board Name          FQBN                          Core
/dev/ttyACM0 serial   Serial Port (USB) Arduino UNO R4 WiFi arduino:renesas_uno:unor4wifi arduino:renesas_uno

$ arduino-cli compile -b arduino:renesas_uno:unor4wifi sender_module/

$ arduino-cli upload -b arduino:renesas_uno:unor4wifi -p /dev/ttyACM0 sender_module/

Required library for antenna: RF24, with arduino-cli you can install it with arduino-cli lib install RF24 or via arduino-ide.


reciever_module/ - folder with code for reciver which will send data to the pc (arduino) sender_module/ - folder with code for sender, which transmit data to the reciever and save it on the micro sd card (arduino) serial_read/ - read serial input and save it monitor - folder with code for monitor which will recieve data and print them into the gui application (pc) testing/ - other tools and applications





  • device (pc, notebook, laptop), where the data are processed, parsed, saved and displayed realtime in the application monitor

Arduino Sender Format

  • sender sends data via antenna to reciever in this format $[code of message];[value]*
  • in future will be added some other values, like gps and so on
Identifier Message Code Value Verificator
$ 1; roll [°] *
$ 2; pitch [°] *
$ 3; yaw [°] *
$ 4; temperature [°C] *
$ 5; pressure [hPa] *
$ 6; altitude [m] *
$ 7; gyroscope x *
$ 8; gyroscope y *
$ 9; gyroscope z *
$ 10; accelerometer x *
$ 11; accelerometer y *
$ 12; accelerometer z *
$ 13; magnitude x *
$ 14; magnitude y *
$ 15; magnitude z *


The acceleration output by the serial port of the sample program is the original value of the register (the value of the register). After this value is divided by 16384, it can be converted into a value in g (gravitational acceleration constant). The angular velocity output by the serial port of the sample program is the original value of the register (the value of the register). After this value is divided by 32.8, it can be converted into a value in dps (angle/second). The value of the magnetic sensor output by the serial port of the sample program is the original value of the register (that is, the value of the register). This value is multiplied by 0.15 to convert it into a value in μT (10-6 Tesla). Reference



  • SDA (Serial Data)
  • SCL (Serial Clock)
  • INT (Interrupt) is a digital interrupt output
  • FSYNC is a frame sync signal


  • PPS (Pulse per second) powers a led wich will blink and indicate that GPS is working
  • RX (UART communication)
  • TX (UART communication)

NMEA Sentence


Sentence Identifier Time Latitude Longtitude Fix Quality Number of Satellites Horizontal Dilution of Precision Altitude Height of geoid above WGS84 ellipsoid Time since last DGPS update DGPS reference station id Checksum
$GPGAA HHMMSS.SS llll.ll a yyyyy.yy a x xx x.x x.x M x.x M x.x xxxx *hh
$GPGAA 170834 4124.8963, N 08151.6838, W 1 05 1.5 280.2, M -34.0, M blank blank *75


Fix Quality: 0 = Invalid; 1 = GPS fix; 2 = DGPS fix; more about nmea sentences


  • CE (Chip Enable) is an active-high pin. When enabled, the nRF24L01 will either transmit or receive, depending on the mode.
  • CSN (Chip Select Not) is an active-low pin that is typically held HIGH. When this pin goes low, the nRF24L01 begins listening for data on its SPI port and processes it accordingly.
  • SCK (Serial Clock) accepts clock pulses from the SPI bus master.
  • MOSI (Master Out Slave In) is the SPI input for the nRF24L01.
  • MISO (Master In Slave Out) is the SPI output of the nRF24L01.
  • IRQ is an interrupt pin that can notify the master when there is new data to process.


10 DOF IMU Sensor

Module Arduino Description
VCC 5V Power input
GND GND Power ground
SDA SDA I2C data input
SCL SCL I2C clock pin

L76K GPS Module

Module Arduino Description
VCC 3.3V Power input
GND GND Power ground
TX RX Serial communication
RX TX Serial communication
PPS NC Pulse per second

NRF24L01+ Module

Module Arduino Description
VCC 3.3V Power input
GND GND Power ground
CE 9~ Chip enable
CSN 8 Chip select not
SCK 13 Serial Clock
MOSI 11~ SPI master out
MISO 12 SPI master in

Issues / features

Sender issues

  • data stops being transmitted from sender after some short period time
  • create a version which will send data via IOT 433MHz LoRa LPWAN SX1278
  • create a communication in both ways, start, stop, system health check commands
  • detection of apogeum and recovery system launch
  • add timestamps and save everything to sd card
  • add gps

Monitor app issues

  • application crash after some period of time, if don't recive any input from serial ports
  • gui is not updating until it recieves serial input
  • parser should be improved
  • sender code should be improved
  • gui window
  • error messages as windows not terminal
  • serial monitor setup port and baudrate
  • create a gui way of sending commands
  • values change colour if they are not what they should be, or what are expected to be
  • if recieved data for the parameter don't correspond with our expectations, change colour of the value indicator
  • save all recieved data
  • special characters
  • don't hide the text on refresh


Datasheets, documentation and sources