An easy to use wrapper around the sentinelcli.
Get and install sentinel-cli
Git and install MySentinel
git clone
Copy to $HOME/bin
and make sure $PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
is in your .bashrc file.
Run: help
And follow the prompts to add your wallet address and wallet name. If your wallet isn't installed use recover
This will add your wallet to the sentinel-cli config.
MySentinel now understands using the SCRT token on the Sentinel Network.
An example to subscribe to a SCRT DVPN node would be
$ sub sentnode1042x4tlqdlmar0sl0rpre4p3nl4fvqwq6kca02 7000uscrt sub sentnode1042x4tlqdlmar0sl0rpre4p3nl4fvqwq6kca02 7000uscrt
Total SCRT: 7000ibc/31FEE1A2A9F9C01113F90BD0BBCCE8FD6BBB8585FAF109A2101827DD1D5B95B8
NODE: sentnode1042x4tlqdlmar0sl0rpre4p3nl4fvqwq6kca02, DEPOSIT: 7000ibc/31FEE1A2A9F9C01113F90BD0BBCCE8FD6BBB8585FAF109A2101827DD1D5B95B8
Confrim (y/n):
$ help
MySentinel dVPN v0.3.3 (freQniK)
Usage: /home/bubonic/bin/ [options]
list, list all available dVPN nodes
sub <NODE_ADDRESS> <DEPOSIT>, subscribe to a node with address and deposit amount (in udpvn or uscrt, i.e., 500000udpvn, 7000uscrt)
subs, list your subscriptions with extra output of Location and Node Name
quota <ID>, list the quota and data used for subscription ID (found in subs option)
conn <ID> <NODE_ADDRESS>, connect to the Node with ID and NODE_ADDRESS
part, disconnect from Sentinel dVPN. Note: you may have to ifconfig down <wg_interface> and edit /etc/resolv.conf
recover, add a wallet from the seed phrase
Example output: subs
In case I want to connect to a node I would run:
$ ./ conn 1329 sentnode1cwrk3xev08e75afd75y8ckqvt4ks4wq7g770v8
To disconnect:
$ ./ part
NOTE: I've experienced the follwing issues when using the sentinelcli to disconnect. It never brings down the wireguard interface. In my case after part
I would then run sudo ifconfig wg_interface down
. Furthermore, my /etc/resolv.conf
is not set to my gateway, as I run a dnsproxy there. So you may have to edit /etc/resolv.conf
as well back to the original settings.
You tip a waiter for their service, why not tip a programmer for their code?
DVPN: sent14q4f245fj25xy57yhjah98jcvy6e3zndx76fh4