Goal of this project is to generate Random data in order to insert them into different services of CDP platform.
First, go to pom.xml and change cdp version to yours, change also if required, individual versions of each component.
Then Package the program:
mvn clean package
Then you can run it using this java command:
java -jar kafka-streams-test.jar
It is also possible to launch it on a platform using script: src/main/resources/launchToPlatform.sh.
(Adapt it to your needs by changing user & machine of the platform)
To run it on YARN, check project yarn-submit .
In Main file, change KStream types to be the one that your application will use
Change KafkaConfig file to add more configs if needed
Change config.properties to setup your cluster properties
Code Treatment you want in file Treatment (and others if you want)
export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/home/root/kafka-streams-test/kafka-jaas-streamtest.config"
cd /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/kafka/bin
./kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server ccycloud-4.maryland.root.hwx.site:9092 --from-beginning --consumer.config consumer.properties --topic words