This project automates test scenarios for the website -
- Framework: Cypress Automation Framework
- Language: JavaScript
- CI Workflows:
- Check code formatting: pull-request-tester.yaml
- Regression Testing: regression-cron.yaml
- Install Node.js.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install project dependencies:
npm install .
- Open Cypress and run the tests:
./node_modules/.bin/cypress open
npx cypress open
- Login to Swag Labs application.
- Should retain session after page reload.
- Should show an error message on empty fields.
- Should show an error message for invalid username and password.
- Logout from Swag Labs application.
- Should log out after session expires.
- Name: A-Z
- Navigate to the inventory page.
- Select "Name (A to Z)" from the sort dropdown.
- Verify items are sorted alphabetically in ascending order by name.
- Name: Z-A
- Navigate to the inventory page.
- Select "Name (Z to A)" from the sort dropdown.
- Verify items are sorted alphabetically in descending order by name.
- Price: Low to High
- Navigate to the inventory page.
- Select "Price (Low to High)" from the sort dropdown.
- Verify items are sorted in ascending order of their prices.
- Price: High to Low
- Navigate to the inventory page.
- Select "Price (High to Low)" from the sort dropdown.
- Verify items are sorted in descending order of their prices.
- Add a Single Item to the Cart
- Navigate to the inventory page.
- Click "Add to Cart" for an item.
- Verify the cart count increments to 1 and the item appears in the cart.
- Add Multiple Items to the Cart
- Navigate to the inventory page.
- Add multiple items by clicking "Add to Cart."
- Verify the cart count matches the number of added items.
- Verify all items appear in the cart.
- Remove an Item from the Cart
- Add an item to the cart.
- Navigate to the cart page.
- Click "Remove" for the item.
- Verify the cart count decrements and the item is removed.
- Empty the Cart
- Add multiple items to the cart.
- Navigate to the cart page.
- Remove all items from the cart.
- Verify the cart count is 0 and the cart is empty.
- Verify Cart Persistence
- Add items to the cart.
- Reload the inventory page.
- Verify the cart count and items persist after the reload.
- Proceed to Checkout (Standard User)
- Add items to the cart.
- Click the cart icon and then "Checkout."
- Enter valid details (First Name, Last Name, Zip Code).
- Verify redirection to the checkout overview page.
- Complete a Purchase
- Add items to the cart and proceed to checkout.
- Enter valid details on the checkout page.
- Click "Finish" on the checkout overview page.
- Verify the success message and that the cart is empty.
- Verify Checkout Validation Messages
- Add items to the cart and proceed to checkout.
- Leave required fields blank (e.g., First Name, Last Name, Zip Code).
- Click "Continue."
- Verify validation messages appear for required fields.
- Verify Total Price Calculation
- Add multiple items to the cart.
- Proceed to the checkout overview page.
- Verify the total price matches the sum of item prices plus tax.