This is a book which consists of a collection of jupyter notebooks.
The content is based on the notebooks I used for my Lecture MSE576: Introduction to Scanning Electron Microscopy in Fall 2019.
The topic of the book is how to analyze scanning electron microscopy data.
Please start with the notebook _Analysis_of_Scanning_Electron_Microscope_Data.ipynb which contains the Outline and the basic usage of this book. The notebooks are however rather self-contained and can be accessed in any order.
However, CH1-Prerequesites.ipynb is a notebook that let's you install and test all the necessary packages.
In CH1_pyUSID.ipynb you will get familiar with the data format.
For usage at your computer you'll have to download the whole repostory onto your computer and start the jupyter notebook server.
I use annaconda3 for the installation of python and the jupter notebook server, but any other configuration works equally well.
Have fun,