Gatling project in JAVA 21 showing working examples and solutions - Inspired by Gatling Community
It includes:
- Maven Wrapper, so that you can immediately run Maven with
without having to install it on your computer - minimal
- latest version of
applied - Maven Central Repository Search - latest version of
applied - Maven Central Repository Search - official examples: ComputerDatabaseSimulation, BasicSimulation, AdvancedSimulationStep01, AdvancedSimulationStep02, AdvancedSimulationStep03, AdvancedSimulationStep04, AdvancedSimulationStep05
- mine examples and solutions mostly based on cases from Gatling Community
- auto run using GitHub Actions (push, pull) of all mine examples after
and duringpull_request
- Case0001JMESPathSimulation => JmesPath is not finding a JSON Object
- Case0002PDFdownloadSimulation => How to ensure a pdf is downloaded during a loadtest?
- Case0003UnzipJsonForFeederSimulation => Unzipping json file for feeders
- Case0004StatusCodeSimulation => withDefault Check Transforming feature
- Case0005UUIDfeederSimulation => Is there an EL function to generate uuid using java in gatling
- Case0006CommandLineParametersSimulation => Cannot Grab Command Line Arguments & Assertion in parameter
- Case0007AsyncReqSimulation - using
=> How to simulate an asynchronous request executing many times? - Case0008AsyncReqResourcesSimulation - using
=> How to simulate an asynchronous request executing many times? - Case0009SessionValuesSimulation => Dynamically generating param values for an API and setting it using session
- Case0010JsonEditVariableSimulation => Java - edit variable received in JSON
- Case0011ProxyCommandLineParametersSimulation => Gatling proxy configuration from command line
- Case0012DenySomeResourcesSimulation => Gatling Java - HttpProtocolBuilder DenyList
- Case0013RequestBeforeSimulation => Best way of calling another API before the performance test
- Case0014Loop5times1RPSand3sPauseSimulation => Emulate load with few requests simultaneously that repeated after some period of time
- Case0015UUIDfeederTwoRecordsAtTheSameTimeSimulation => Feed multiple n-rows from CSV to json payload
- Case0016ScenarioDurationSimulation => How to get the duration of a specific scnario?
- Case0017ForeachAfterForeachSimulation => Foreach loop after a foreach loop does not execute
- Case0018GetTokenWhenStatus401Simulation => Using a .doIf when token expired and need refresh
- Case0019WhenStatusCode400ThenFailSimulation => Assertion on the HTTP status code
- Case0020ExitBlockOnFailSimulation => Stop the current Iteration/loop and start the next Iteration/loop when request failed
- Case0021CheckResourcesResponseTimeSimulation => Track which queries are executed within specified time frame and which outside it
- Case0022SetOrRefreshTokenSimulation => Token Refresh - Java - Example
- Case0023foreachFromUUIDfeederFiveRecordsAtTheSameTimeSimulation => Feeder reading multiple lines and foreach
- Case0024IterationLoopCondition => Iteration and Looping conditions
- Case0025JSONfeederRandomSimulation => JSON feeder with nested arrays; how to randomly select a record from the parent
- Case0026ResponseHeaderRegexSimulation => How to capture request params generated dynamically from GET request to correlate next POST request
- Case0027FilterFeederAndForeverLoopSameRecordByVU => Custom csv feeder by from and to