This is a script designed to spew custom lessons for use on
I have relatively short pinkies, and type wrong. I wrote this script so that I can practice typing wrong.
Basically, I type normally, except for the top row on the extreme right or left, where I opt for using my ring fingers rather than my pinky fingers. I got very tired of trying to learn "society's" way of typing, so I made this script.
Also, keybr doesn't really do numbers, or a lot of the more useful programmer symbols, so this helps with that.
Basically just set the characters for each finger, and lesson-spew will spew lessons. These will consist of short bursts of activity for each finger, to help get used to the various motions that that specific finger goes through.
This script would be useful for people with normal pinkies as well, as they can set their own map. Or even people who have missing digits, or hands.