BDE Event Detection module
BDEBase BDETwitterListener BDERSSCrawler BDELocationExtraction BDECLustering
twitter listener:
- The twitter listener requires an active twitter developer account (, and the four credentials generated in res/ to function
- Functional with MySQL / Cassandra backend. Must be pre-configured and waiting for connections. Check res/db dir
- Can monitor rest/stream API: check res/ file
RSS Crawler:
- The RSS crawler requires a file containing the URLs (MUST be RSS feeds) to crawl.
- Functional with MySQL / Cassandra backend. Must be pre-configured and waiting for connections. Check res/db dirs
Location Extraction:
- The module uses OpenNLP publicly available trained models for location entity extraction from news/twitter and for each one, delegates a call to the uoa API to retrieve the bounding box metadata and save them to the backend.
- Functional with Cassandra backend. Must be pre-configured and waiting for connections. Check res/db dir
- The module is implemented on Spark (Java 7 interface), in a combined Java/Scala src. Utilizes the newsum custom clustering algorithm, and the MCL algorithm. It processes batches of articles/items, not streamed data.
author: George K. [email protected]