Will be always update!
Title | Link |
PPT Presentation | Go |
Check LLDP on Linux | Go |
Check WWN FC HBA on Linux | Go |
VSCode SSH Install Offline on Ubuntu | Go |
VM Gateway on top of Openstack VM | Go |
All About Squid Proxy | Go |
Port Forwarding on Windows Server | Go |
Openstack with Virt-Manager | Go |
Integrate AD with Keystone | Go |
Integrate Cinder with TrueNAS iSCSI | Go |
Add Routing Private Network OpenVPN CLI | Go |
Integrate Cinder with iSCSI (TrueNAS) | Go |
Ceph Playground | Go |
Integrate Logging with Promtail & Loki | Go |
Fix OpenSSH Denied with Pubkey on Windows Server | Go |
Deploy Openstack Caracal Single Node on Ubuntu Jammy with Kolla Ansible | Go |
Test Port Lisen on Linux & Windows | Go |
See Serial Number of Virtual Disk | Go |
Port Forwarding with Windows Server | Go |
How to Reset Trial 120 days RDP in Windows Server 2019 | Go |
Search Online Package Linux | Go |
Overwrite /etc/resolv.conf on Linux with Netplan Configuration |
Go |
Create Mountpoint with Volume Group on Linux | Go |
Auto DHCLIENT every VM Reboot | Go |
VirtualBox Reference | Go |
Virtualize your NVIDIA | Go |
PowerCLI VMWare Installation | Go |
Libvirt Client | Go |
Mount NFS Directory on Windows Server 2019 | Go |
Monitoring Docker Container | Go |
Proxmox Playground | Go |
Upgrade Linux Kernel | Go |
SSH Session Exporter | Go |
Install GeoIP for Nginx | Go |
Generate Certificate for Mikrotik | Go |
Force Reboot Ubuntu Server from CLI | Go |
Nginx Block Generator with Bash Script | Go |
Generate Wild Card TLS Certificate Cloudflare DNS Management | Go |
Monitor an Endpoint on Telegram | Go |
Notify New/Deleted DNS Record to Telegram on Cloudflare with Cloudflare API | Go |
Cloudflare API Playground | Go |
Generate TLS Certificate on Ubuntu Server with OpenSSL | Go |
VSCode Server on Ubuntu Installation | Go |
How to decrypt Base64 to Plaintext ? | Go |
How to configure static website using Nginx with MinIO | Go |
Auto Backup File / Directory to S3 with S3CMD | Go |
Fail2ban on Ubuntu Server 20.04 | Go |
Setup Proxmox Exporter & Visualize it to Grafana | Go |
Reset Ubuntu Root Password from Openstack Console (VNC) | Go |
Automaticly Enable Disable Swap Based on Utilization of RAM Usage on Linux | Go |
Search Openstack Instance Identity | Go |
Openstack Alerting when any Instance Spwaned or Destroyed | Go |
Kolla Ansible Automaticly Restart Agent Down | Go |
Create BIND9 on Docker Container | Go |
Script to check if our Interface IP change an IP address | Go |
Auto Login Login Page with Google Chrome Headless on Container | Go |
Alert Internet Speed Periodicly with Speedtest CLI on Ubuntu Server | Go |
Screenshoot Grafana Dashboard with Chrome Headless | Go |
Multiple VLAN with Multiple Gateway on Ubuntu Server | Go |
VLAN Trunking with VLAN Bridge on Mikrotik | Go |
Searxng | Go |
OAuth2Proxy | Go |
Alert Docker Container | Go |
Cloudflare Tunnel | Go |
MongoDB | Go |
PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol Virtual) | Go |
Make your Ubuntu Server be Router! | Go |
Psono.pw Self Hosted | Go |
Nextcloud on Ubuntu 20.04LTS with Docker [ScratchEdition] | Go |
Minio with S3CMD | Go |
GPU Passtrough Openstack | Go |
Nginx Parameter | Go |
Create DNS Server with Bind9 on Ubuntu Server | Go |
Kolla Ansible Upgrade Openstack Cluster | Go |
Setup RKE Cluster on Ubuntu 20.04LTS | Go |
Increase Nova Compute Timeout | Go |
SMTP Client on our Ubuntu Server | Go |
Alert when Network Floating on Openstack is Unreachable | Go |
Convert ISO to QCOW2 | Go |
Mikrotik Monitoring Alert to Telegram | Go |
Alert IP Client when Connect to SSH | Go |
Setting IPMI with IPMITOOL | Go |
Monitor our Server with Blackbox Exporter | Go |
Teleport behind Nginx Reverse Proxy | Go |
Automaticly delete image dangling on Docker Image | Go |
RSyslog for Monitor Logs | Go |
Forward DNS with BIND9 and Reverse It with NGINX | Go |
Remote Mikrotik from OpenVPN Client with Pritunl VPN Server | Go |
Remote Ubuntu Desktop with TightVNC | Go |
Auto Prune Unused Image Kubernetes with Docker Runtime | Go |
Customize Linux ISO & Test Bootable | Go |
Kolla Horizon Change Logo | Go |
Monitoring Certificate Expire with Prometheus, Grafana, NodeCertExporter | Go |
Bypass Django CSRF behind Nginx Reverse Proxy | Go |
Defectdojo Disable CSRF Login | Go |
Fix Immutable Linux Files | Go |
Auto Restart Linux Systemd Service | Go |
Auto Start Instance when Openstack Cluster Reboot | Go |
Alert Linux when Boot & Shutdown | Go |
Tuned you Linux System with TunedAdm | Go |
Run Script to SystemD | Go |
Automation Delete Index ELK with Curator | Go |
Victoria Metrics Provisioning | Go |
Alerting Grafana with Picture | Go |
Integrate Grafana with Promtail + Loki | Go |
Pritunl behind Nginx Reverse Proxy | Go |
Deploy OpenStack Xena MultiNode on Ubuntu 20.04LTS | Go |
Alerting Systemd status to Telegram | Go |
Make OpenVPN auto Reconnect on Reboot | Go |
Nginx Reverse Proxy for SSH | Go |
Fix SSH Key are too open on Windows 11 | Go |
Self Hosted Minecraft Server | Go |
All About Web Server on Docker | Go |
All About Apache / Httpd | Go |
Note about IPTables on Linux | Go |
Port Forwarding on Ubuntu | Go |
DevStack with Magnum & Heat local.conf Template | Go |
Expose Grafana with Nginx Reverse Proxy | Go |
Node Exporter + Prometheus + Grafana Provisioning | Go |
OpenStack Horizon over TLS | Go |
Speedtest & Check Public IP on Linux CLI | Go |
Expose Nginx Ingress with specify HOST Header on K8s on-prem with OpenVPN | Go |
Multi Port Reverse Proxy on Nginx Configuration | Go |
Multi Proxy Pass Endpoint with One Domain on Nginx | Go |
Expose your Local VM with VPN | Go |
Kubernetes with KubeSpray on BareMetal Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS | Go |
Installation DNS Server with BIND9 | Go |
GitLab & Jenkins Docker Provisioning | Go |
Kubernetes Monitoring on Slack | Go |
Expose Service with NodePort to Private Network Subnets Cluster on Minikube | Go |
Monitoring Nginx from Grafana with InfluxDB-Telegraf & Prometheus | Go |
Monitoring Instances with Prometheus and Grafana | Go |
Nginx Load Balancer | Go |
Installation SSL with OpenSSL on Apache & Nginx | Go |
Kerebros Installation on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS | Go |
Installation OpenStack Xena All-in-One on Cloud with Kolla Ansible | Go |
Installation OpenStack Victoria All-in-One on Cloud with Kolla Ansible | Go |