A mini game for Visual Programming subject's project-based mid term test, made with JAVA programming language in GUI based IDE Netbeans.
Lobby components :
- Play Button to navigate to game page
- Setting Button, as of now only a dummy cuz idk what to add to it
- Language Switcher Button to change preferred language ENG or ID (default are ENG)
- License Lable, if pressed will show MIT Licese which this project are under
Game components :
- Back Button to navigate to lobby page
- Language Switcher Button to change preferred language ENG or ID (default are language chosen from the lobby page)
- Chosen Animal Lable with its icon image for the user to search with the same animal
- 6x6 Grid Animal List Lable that user need to find the same animal image as the one chosen above
- 3 Lables which show what round are the user in, how many correct and wrong user get.
- When the user has guessed up to round 10, message dialog will pop up showing the user score and then reset the overall score