The project consists of 3 backend sub projects and 1 UI project .
- Account Service
- Transaction Service
- Eureka Naming Service
- Vue.js Frontend application
- JDK 1.8+
- Gradle
- Npm 6+ (for UI part)
The server consists from 3 services.
- Transaction Service: Responsible from creating and listing transactions of an account. By default settings runs on port 8000.
- Account Service: Responsible from creating and listing customers and accounts. Also sends request to transaction service for transaction related operations. By default settings runs on port 8080.
- Eureka Naming Service: Responsible from discovering services and allows to connect them to each other via naming. By default settings runs on port 8761.
Basic flow of the application is illustrated below:
Swagger dependency is configured to the main service (account service) to display available endpoints. After launching the project you may see on http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
On the main directory of the project following commands are used to run services.
./gradlew eureka-naming:bootRun
./gradlew transaction:bootRun
./gradlew account:bootRun
Note: Account service requires transaction service for transaction related operations. account-service
still runs even if the transaction-service
is not up yet, but transaction related operations fails until transaction-service
is up. In such case it may still take a few seconds to run transaction related operations after transaction-service
is up and running.
A very simple user interface is developed to allow testing easier. Inside the ui
directory, run following command to run frontend.
npm install npm run dev
The command will run the UI on http://localhost:3000/