Included in this repository are the following:
Recommendation System Functions (RecSys) This folder includes the different model functions:
- Content Based Filtering (cbf)
- Factorization Machines (fm)
- Item-Based Collaborative Filtering (ibcf)
- Random (random)
- Singular Value Decomposition (svd)
- User Based Collaborative Filtering (ubcf) And two different underlying functions for these recommenders:
- Get_item_scores
- Get_top_x_recommendations
Results This folder is where .csvs are generated when the code is run for calculating precision/RMSE/recall and calculating diversity graphs
Utils This folder is where different functions exist to be called for creating utility matrices, calculating engagement lift, diversity, running cross validation and more
Tutorials This folder contains our initial set of tutorials from the teaching team of ALP 301, which undergirded a lot of our later work and includes descriptive analysis.