The project utilizes the following technologies:
- NextJS
- Typescript
- Tailwind CSS
- shadcn/ui
After you cloned the repository, follow this steps:
Next Auth needs to have a value on the .env.local
called NEXTSECRET_AUTH, that must be generated:
- Open the terminal and type:
openssl rand -base64 32
- Copy the code generated on your terminal and create a
file to put this:
NEXTSECRET_AUTH={The code generated}
Now you need to generated more two values for your .env.local
Click here to access your Github settings
- Find the section called OAuth Apps
- Go on New OAuth App
You'll be redirect to a form called Register a new OAuth application with 4 Inputs
on Application name:
on Homepage URL
on Authorization callback URL
GREAT! now that you configured, you need to get the Client ID and the Client secrets:
- Copy the code from Client Id and go on .env.local and create a variable called
and past the code, should be like this:
NEXTSECRET_AUTH={The code generated previously}
GITHUB_ID={Past here the Client ID from github}
- Now you must generated the Client secrets, you'll need to login again and the code i'll appear, then add a new variable on your
just like theGITHUB_ID
, should be like this:
NEXTSECRET_AUTH={The code generated previously}
GITHUB_ID={The code pasted previously}
GITHUB_ID={Past here the Client secrets ID from github}
Make sure you have Node.js installed. Then, follow these steps:
Navigate to the project directory:
cd dashboard-storage
Install dependencies:
npm i
Start the project:
npm run dev