##jQuery 1.4.2 Plugin-in for monitoring ajax requests##
To use the plug-in you just add three things to your present page. Oh, and if you don't want the default settings, chcnge them.
- Script tag for including plug-in.
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../src/jquery.ajaxMonitor-1.0.0.js"></script>
- A div tag in the body of your page.
<div id="ajax_monitor"></div>
- Execute the plug-in when executing the jQuery ready function
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var monitor = $('#ajax_monitor').ajaxMonitor({
monitorActive: true
,maximize: true});
###Default settings### var defaultSettings = { monitorActive: false ,maximize: false };
maximize: [true/false]
True value allows the view to be maximized at initialization of plug-in
monitorActive: [true/false]
True value allows the monitor to be activated at initialization of plug-in
var = $('selector').ajaxMonitor();
Over-riding default:
var $ajaxMonitor = $('#ajax_monitor').ajaxMonitor({
maximize: true,
monitorActive: true
###Unit tests so far...### Ajax Monitor Plug-In Test Suite
###Link to Work in progrss### AjaxMonitor
##Outstanding Issues## The issues have been addressed by my file 'src/jquery-1.4.2.modified.js'
In order to monitor JSONP requests properly you will need to make modifications to the
handler of $.ajax. Because jQuery 1.4.2 executes the complete callback twice during the request. See here for bug ticket #5383. -
FF 3.6.8 returns an xhr.status === 0 when server replies with HTTP code if 301. The fix requires changeing
function of $.ajax