HyperLedger Fabric 2.1 + KUBERNETES + HELM CHARTS + HELMFILE + TODO APP Rails 6 + Fabric-sdk-nestjs chaincode restapi
We are going to create a HLF 2.1 network, consisting of one consortium (a collection of organizations). This consortium includes two organizations: Org1 and Org2 . Both organizations provide each one peer. We will join those peers to a so called channel. The channel allows sending transactions between those two organizations. This is the minimum viable setup for a functional HLF blockchain network using kubernetes, helm charts, helmfile, rails and nestjs. After Create HLF network, a new rest-api service and todo app will be available for interacts with the chaincode installed
- Set rails.local in your /etc/hosts ` rails.local`
- Have installed docker kubernetes or any kubernetes services
First, we going to generate all crypto material
./networkOps.sh prepare
then we going to start the network over your kubernetes cloud
./networkOps.sh start
and finally, we going to create and deploy a chaincode for test purpouses.
./networkOps.sh deploy
If you want to clean all it, you have to run
./networkOpts.sh clean
open rails.local
it has to looks like this
all request going to send directly to HYPERLEDGER FABRIC, if you want you can check the fabric ruby client