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Yana edited this page Jun 28, 2019 · 24 revisions

Welcome to my research wiki

Here you will find various notes and links to resources (papers, codes, ...)

best practices on working with video datasets and doing deep-learning based experiments



action recognition papers for a list of annotated papers that focus on action recognition and localization in videos
adverserial papers that focus on adverserial examples and adverserial training
body papers for a list of annotated papers that focus on the whole human body
deep learning papers for a list of annotated papers that focus on broad aspects of deep learning (SGD, techniques such as dropout, batchnorm...)
synthetic/domain adaptation papers with a focus on synthetic to real images domain adaptation
grasp papers for papers that focus on grasps (usually robotics approach)
hand papers for a list of annotated papers that focus on hands (hand pose estimation, hand tracking, grasp recognition, ...)
detection papers focusing on object annotation (with a special focus on hands)
object reconstruction papers that target object (point cloud, meshes) reconstruction from various inputs (point clouds, images, ...)
object registration for papers that tackle alignments between point clouds, models and depth maps
segmentation papers for a list of annotated papers that focus on semantic segmentation
tracking papers for a list of annotated papers that focus on object tracking in videos
visualization papers for a list of annotated papers that focus on visually understanding neural networks' predictions (for instance class attribution studies)
other papers for a list of papers that have subjects that do not fall among the aforementioned categories

Personal notes

Notes on various subjects linked to my research

hand pose estimation for general notes on the problem of estimating the hand's position in images and videos
grasps for general notes on the subject of hand grasps (defintions, involved physics and equations, ...)
hand teams names and strong points/specialties of various authors


hand datasets for links to hand datasets, associated web pages and papers
action datasets for information about datasets that focus on human action recognition


ideas for random thoughts and ideas on the subject
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