Based on Seq2seq learning with attention mechanism, specifically local attention.
The Data is preprocessed in Data_Pre-Processing.ipynb
Dataset source:
import json
with open('Processed_Data/Amazon_Reviews_Processed.json') as file:
for json_data in file:
saved_data = json.loads(json_data)
vocab2idx = saved_data["vocab"]
embd = saved_data["embd"]
train_batches_text = saved_data["train_batches_text"]
test_batches_text = saved_data["test_batches_text"]
val_batches_text = saved_data["val_batches_text"]
train_batches_summary = saved_data["train_batches_summary"]
test_batches_summary = saved_data["test_batches_summary"]
val_batches_summary = saved_data["val_batches_summary"]
train_batches_true_text_len = saved_data["train_batches_true_text_len"]
val_batches_true_text_len = saved_data["val_batches_true_text_len"]
test_batches_true_text_len = saved_data["test_batches_true_text_len"]
train_batches_true_summary_len = saved_data["train_batches_true_summary_len"]
val_batches_true_summary_len = saved_data["val_batches_true_summary_len"]
test_batches_true_summary_len = saved_data["test_batches_true_summary_len"]
idx2vocab = {v:k for k,v in vocab2idx.items()}
hidden_size = 300
learning_rate = 0.001
epochs = 5
max_summary_len = 16 # should be summary_max_len as used in data_preprocessing with +1 (+1 for <EOS>)
D = 5 # D determines local attention window size
window_len = 2*D+1
import tensorflow as tf
embd_dim = len(embd[0])
tf_text = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None])
tf_embd = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [len(vocab2idx),embd_dim])
tf_true_summary_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None])
tf_summary = tf.placeholder(tf.int32,[None, None])
tf_train = tf.placeholder(tf.bool)
Dropout used for regularization (
embd_text = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(tf_embd, tf_text)
embd_text = tf.layers.dropout(embd_text,rate=0.3,training=tf_train)
More info:,,
def LSTM(x,hidden_state,cell,input_dim,hidden_size,scope):
with tf.variable_scope(scope,reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
w = tf.get_variable("w", shape=[4,input_dim,hidden_size],
u = tf.get_variable("u", shape=[4,hidden_size,hidden_size],
b = tf.get_variable("bias", shape=[4,1,hidden_size],
input_gate = tf.nn.sigmoid( tf.matmul(x,w[0]) + tf.matmul(hidden_state,u[0]) + b[0])
forget_gate = tf.nn.sigmoid( tf.matmul(x,w[1]) + tf.matmul(hidden_state,u[1]) + b[1])
output_gate = tf.nn.sigmoid( tf.matmul(x,w[2]) + tf.matmul(hidden_state,u[2]) + b[2])
cell_ = tf.nn.tanh( tf.matmul(x,w[3]) + tf.matmul(hidden_state,u[3]) + b[3])
cell = forget_gate*cell + input_gate*cell_
hidden_state = output_gate*tf.tanh(cell)
return hidden_state, cell
More Info:
Bi-directional LSTM encoder has a forward encoder and a backward encoder. The forward encoder encodes a text sequence from start to end, and the backward encoder encodes the text sequence from end to start. The final output is a combination (in this case, a concatenation) of the forward encoded text and the backward encoded text
S = tf.shape(embd_text)[1] #text sequence length
N = tf.shape(embd_text)[0] #batch_size
hidden=tf.zeros([N, hidden_size], dtype=tf.float32)
cell=tf.zeros([N, hidden_size], dtype=tf.float32)
hidden_forward=tf.TensorArray(size=S, dtype=tf.float32)
#shape of embd_text: [N,S,embd_dim]
embd_text_t = tf.transpose(embd_text,[1,0,2])
#current shape of embd_text: [S,N,embd_dim]
def cond(i, hidden, cell, hidden_forward):
return i < S
def body(i, hidden, cell, hidden_forward):
x = embd_text_t[i]
hidden,cell = LSTM(x,hidden,cell,embd_dim,hidden_size,scope="forward_encoder")
hidden_forward = hidden_forward.write(i, hidden)
return i+1, hidden, cell, hidden_forward
_, _, _, hidden_forward = tf.while_loop(cond, body, [i, hidden, cell, hidden_forward])
hidden=tf.zeros([N, hidden_size], dtype=tf.float32)
cell=tf.zeros([N, hidden_size], dtype=tf.float32)
hidden_backward=tf.TensorArray(size=S, dtype=tf.float32)
def cond(i, hidden, cell, hidden_backward):
return i >= 0
def body(i, hidden, cell, hidden_backward):
x = embd_text_t[i]
hidden,cell = LSTM(x,hidden,cell,embd_dim,hidden_size,scope="backward_encoder")
hidden_backward = hidden_backward.write(i, hidden)
return i-1, hidden, cell, hidden_backward
_, _, _, hidden_backward = tf.while_loop(cond, body, [i, hidden, cell, hidden_backward])
Merge Forward and Backward Encoder Hidden States
hidden_forward = hidden_forward.stack()
hidden_backward = hidden_backward.stack()
encoder_states = tf.concat([hidden_forward,hidden_backward],axis=-1)
encoder_states = tf.transpose(encoder_states,[1,0,2])
encoder_states = tf.layers.dropout(encoder_states,rate=0.3,training=tf_train)
final_encoded_state = tf.layers.dropout(tf.concat([hidden_forward[-1],hidden_backward[-1]],axis=-1),rate=0.3,training=tf_train)
Given a sequence of encoder states (H_s) and the decoder hidden state (H_t) of current timestep t, the equation for computing attention score is:
Score = (H_s.W_a).Transpose(H_t)
(W_a = trainable parameters)
def attention_score(encoder_states,decoder_hidden_state,scope="attention_score"):
with tf.variable_scope(scope,reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
Wa = tf.get_variable("Wa", shape=[2*hidden_size,2*hidden_size],
encoder_states = tf.reshape(encoder_states,[N*S,2*hidden_size])
encoder_states = tf.reshape(tf.matmul(encoder_states,Wa),[N,S,2*hidden_size])
decoder_hidden_state = tf.reshape(decoder_hidden_state,[N,2*hidden_size,1])
return tf.reshape(tf.matmul(encoder_states,decoder_hidden_state),[N,S])
Based on:
def align(encoder_states, decoder_hidden_state,scope="attention"):
with tf.variable_scope(scope,reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
Wp = tf.get_variable("Wp", shape=[2*hidden_size,125],
Vp = tf.get_variable("Vp", shape=[125,1],
positions = tf.cast(S-window_len,dtype=tf.float32) # Maximum valid attention window starting position
# Predict attention window starting position
ps = positions*tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(tf.tanh(tf.matmul(decoder_hidden_state,Wp)),Vp))
# ps = (soft-)predicted starting position of attention window
pt = ps+D # pt = center of attention window where the whole window length is 2*D+1
pt = tf.reshape(pt,[N])
i = 0
gaussian_position_based_scores = tf.TensorArray(size=S,dtype=tf.float32)
sigma = tf.constant(D/2,dtype=tf.float32)
def cond(i,gaussian_position_based_scores):
return i < S
def body(i,gaussian_position_based_scores):
score = tf.exp(-((tf.square(tf.cast(i,tf.float32)-pt))/(2*tf.square(sigma))))
# (equation (10) in
gaussian_position_based_scores = gaussian_position_based_scores.write(i,score)
return i+1,gaussian_position_based_scores
i,gaussian_position_based_scores = tf.while_loop(cond,body,[i,gaussian_position_based_scores])
gaussian_position_based_scores = gaussian_position_based_scores.stack()
gaussian_position_based_scores = tf.transpose(gaussian_position_based_scores,[1,0])
gaussian_position_based_scores = tf.reshape(gaussian_position_based_scores,[N,S])
scores = attention_score(encoder_states,decoder_hidden_state)*gaussian_position_based_scores
scores = tf.nn.softmax(scores,axis=-1)
return tf.reshape(scores,[N,S,1])
with tf.variable_scope("decoder",reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
SOS = tf.get_variable("sos", shape=[1,embd_dim],
# SOS represents starting marker
# It tells the decoder that it is about to decode the first word of the output
# I have set SOS as a trainable parameter
Wc = tf.get_variable("Wc", shape=[4*hidden_size,embd_dim],
SOS = tf.tile(SOS,[N,1]) #now SOS shape: [N,embd_dim]
inp = SOS
cell=tf.zeros([N, 2*hidden_size], dtype=tf.float32)
decoder_outputs=tf.TensorArray(size=max_summary_len, dtype=tf.float32)
outputs=tf.TensorArray(size=max_summary_len, dtype=tf.int32)
for i in range(max_summary_len):
inp = tf.layers.dropout(inp,rate=0.3,training=tf_train)
attention_scores = align(encoder_states,hidden)
encoder_context_vector = tf.reduce_sum(encoder_states*attention_scores,axis=1)
hidden,cell = LSTM(inp,hidden,cell,embd_dim,2*hidden_size,scope="decoder")
hidden_ = tf.layers.dropout(hidden,rate=0.3,training=tf_train)
concated = tf.concat([hidden_,encoder_context_vector],axis=-1)
linear_out = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(concated,Wc))
decoder_output = tf.matmul(linear_out,tf.transpose(tf_embd,[1,0]))
# produce unnormalized probability distribution over vocabulary
decoder_outputs = decoder_outputs.write(i,decoder_output)
# Pick out most probable vocab indices based on the unnormalized probability distribution
next_word_vec = tf.cast(tf.argmax(decoder_output,1),tf.int32)
next_word_vec = tf.reshape(next_word_vec, [N])
outputs = outputs.write(i,next_word_vec)
next_word = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(tf_embd, next_word_vec)
inp = tf.reshape(next_word, [N, embd_dim])
decoder_outputs = decoder_outputs.stack()
outputs = outputs.stack()
decoder_outputs = tf.transpose(decoder_outputs,[1,0,2])
outputs = tf.transpose(outputs,[1,0])
filtered_trainables = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables() if
not("Bias" in or "bias" in
or "noreg" in]
regularization = tf.reduce_sum([tf.nn.l2_loss(var) for var
in filtered_trainables])
with tf.variable_scope("loss"):
epsilon = tf.constant(1e-9, tf.float32)
cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
labels=tf_summary, logits=decoder_outputs)
pad_mask = tf.sequence_mask(tf_true_summary_len,
masked_cross_entropy = cross_entropy*pad_mask
cost = tf.reduce_mean(masked_cross_entropy) + \
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(masked_cross_entropy)
# Comparing predicted sequence with labels
comparison = tf.cast(tf.equal(outputs, tf_summary),
# Masking to ignore the effect of pads while calculating accuracy
pad_mask = tf.sequence_mask(tf_true_summary_len,
masked_comparison = tf.boolean_mask(comparison, pad_mask)
# Accuracy
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(masked_comparison)
all_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES)
optimizer = tf.contrib.opt.NadamOptimizer(
gvs = optimizer.compute_gradients(cost, var_list=all_vars)
capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_norm(grad, 5), var) for grad, var in gvs] # Gradient Clipping
train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(capped_gvs)
import pickle
import random
with tf.Session() as sess: # Start Tensorflow Session
display_step = 100
patience = 5
load = input("\nLoad checkpoint? y/n: ")
saver = tf.train.Saver()
if load.lower() == 'y':
print('Loading pre-trained weights for the model...')
saver.restore(sess, 'Model_Backup/Seq2seq_summarization.ckpt')
with open('Model_Backup/Seq2seq_summarization.pkl', 'rb') as fp:
train_data = pickle.load(fp)
covered_epochs = train_data['covered_epochs']
best_loss = train_data['best_loss']
impatience = 0
best_loss = 2**30
impatience = 0
covered_epochs = 0
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
while (epoch+covered_epochs)<epochs:
print("\n\nSTARTING TRAINING\n\n")
batches_indices = [i for i in range(0, len(train_batches_text))]
total_train_acc = 0
total_train_loss = 0
for i in range(0, len(train_batches_text)):
j = int(batches_indices[i])
acc, _ =[cross_entropy,
feed_dict={tf_text: train_batches_text[j],
tf_embd: embd,
tf_summary: train_batches_summary[j],
tf_true_summary_len: train_batches_true_summary_len[j],
tf_train: True})
total_train_acc += acc
total_train_loss += cost
if i % display_step == 0:
print("Iter "+str(i)+", Cost= " +
"{:.3f}".format(cost)+", Acc = " +
if i % 500 == 0:
idx = random.randint(0,len(train_batches_text[j])-1)
text = " ".join([idx2vocab.get(vec,"<UNK>") for vec in train_batches_text[j][idx]])
predicted_summary = [idx2vocab.get(vec,"<UNK>") for vec in prediction[idx]]
actual_summary = [idx2vocab.get(vec,"<UNK>") for vec in train_batches_summary[j][idx]]
print("\nSample Text\n")
print("\nSample Predicted Summary\n")
for word in predicted_summary:
if word == '<EOS>':
print(word,end=" ")
print("\n\nSample Actual Summary\n")
for word in actual_summary:
if word == '<EOS>':
print(word,end=" ")
print("\n\nSTARTING VALIDATION\n\n")
for i in range(0, len(val_batches_text)):
if i%100==0:
print("Validating data # {}".format(i))
cost, prediction,\
acc =[cross_entropy,
feed_dict={tf_text: val_batches_text[i],
tf_embd: embd,
tf_summary: val_batches_summary[i],
tf_true_summary_len: val_batches_true_summary_len[i],
tf_train: False})
total_val_loss += cost
total_val_acc += acc
avg_val_loss = total_val_loss/len(val_batches_text)
print("\n\nEpoch: {}\n\n".format(epoch+covered_epochs))
print("Average Training Loss: {:.3f}".format(total_train_loss/len(train_batches_text)))
print("Average Training Accuracy: {:.2f}".format(100*total_train_acc/len(train_batches_text)))
print("Average Validation Loss: {:.3f}".format(avg_val_loss))
print("Average Validation Accuracy: {:.2f}".format(100*total_val_acc/len(val_batches_text)))
if (avg_val_loss < best_loss):
best_loss = avg_val_loss
with open('Model_Backup/Seq2seq_summarization.pkl', 'wb') as fp:
pickle.dump(save_data, fp), 'Model_Backup/Seq2seq_summarization.ckpt')
print("\nModel saved\n")
if impatience > patience:
Load checkpoint? y/n: n
Iter 0, Cost= 2.086, Acc = 0.00%
Sample Text
i 'm not a big pretzel eater , but i love this little <UNK> nibblers . i like the low fat snack and how it fills you up .
Sample Predicted Summary
municipality jackass municipality mongolian seats han han mongolian hah sus sus wat hah casbah dynasty province
Sample Actual Summary
great pretzels
Iter 100, Cost= 0.985, Acc = 35.58%
Iter 200, Cost= 0.914, Acc = 33.33%
Iter 300, Cost= 0.928, Acc = 36.11%
Iter 400, Cost= 0.943, Acc = 35.19%
Iter 500, Cost= 0.676, Acc = 42.71%
Sample Text
we <UNK> this one , but the flavor could have been a tad stronger . very yummy tho , we will totally purchase again !
Sample Predicted Summary
delicious !
Sample Actual Summary
very good !
Iter 600, Cost= 0.878, Acc = 35.24%
Iter 700, Cost= 0.949, Acc = 33.04%
Iter 800, Cost= 1.074, Acc = 34.65%
Iter 900, Cost= 0.831, Acc = 44.21%
Iter 1000, Cost= 0.911, Acc = 36.36%
Sample Text
tried this hoping for something better than the thick salsa that everyone else makes and it was great ! after making our own it gets time consuming so this is a good alternative .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
great salsa
Iter 1100, Cost= 1.081, Acc = 23.33%
Iter 1200, Cost= 1.018, Acc = 32.73%
Iter 1300, Cost= 0.902, Acc = 35.87%
Iter 1400, Cost= 0.946, Acc = 31.07%
Iter 1500, Cost= 0.798, Acc = 42.31%
Sample Text
i had a coupon for this so it was a good value . otherwise it is to expense for what you get . my box had a couple of opened cereals in it so i did n't get the full value of all ...
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
good value
Iter 1600, Cost= 0.871, Acc = 33.33%
Iter 1700, Cost= 0.943, Acc = 40.00%
Iter 1800, Cost= 0.876, Acc = 40.20%
Iter 1900, Cost= 0.973, Acc = 37.25%
Iter 2000, Cost= 0.978, Acc = 29.73%
Sample Text
my 4 dogs all had allergies and are just fine now that i switched to <UNK> the <UNK> one smell abit but <UNK> they still love it <UNK> the dried <UNK> canned r terrific <UNK> nooo grani !
Sample Predicted Summary
<UNK> !
Sample Actual Summary
great food
Iter 2100, Cost= 0.907, Acc = 37.04%
Iter 2200, Cost= 0.928, Acc = 34.31%
Iter 2300, Cost= 0.906, Acc = 31.25%
Iter 2400, Cost= 0.903, Acc = 37.00%
Iter 2500, Cost= 0.811, Acc = 33.01%
Sample Text
the chocolate was a little crumbly , but the taste is very good . my hubby has <UNK> , and it is gluten free , so it is an excellent bar to stock in the pantry for whenever he does n't have time for breakfast .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
Iter 2600, Cost= 0.839, Acc = 34.62%
Iter 2700, Cost= 0.927, Acc = 37.07%
Iter 2800, Cost= 0.853, Acc = 36.73%
Iter 2900, Cost= 0.805, Acc = 40.00%
Iter 3000, Cost= 0.855, Acc = 35.51%
Sample Text
tea came packaged as expected , delivered quickly and with stash you can not go wrong . individually wrapped and stays fresh and very flavorful . highly recommended for the earl gray tea lover .
Sample Predicted Summary
delicious tea
Sample Actual Summary
great tea
Iter 3100, Cost= 0.854, Acc = 36.63%
Validating data # 0
Validating data # 100
Validating data # 200
Validating data # 300
Epoch: 0
Average Training Loss: 0.907
Average Training Accuracy: 35.42
Average Validation Loss: 0.865
Average Validation Accuracy: 36.65
Model saved
Iter 0, Cost= 0.808, Acc = 34.34%
Sample Text
quaker oatmeal squares has been our family favorite for a couple of years now . ca n't get enough of it . just the right sweetness and crunch .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
favorite cereal
Iter 100, Cost= 1.036, Acc = 34.26%
Iter 200, Cost= 0.934, Acc = 33.03%
Iter 300, Cost= 0.972, Acc = 35.85%
Iter 400, Cost= 0.926, Acc = 32.35%
Iter 500, Cost= 0.738, Acc = 41.05%
Sample Text
great taste , nice smell , great <UNK> < br / > if you mix it with fresh ment you will get fantastic <UNK> < br / > i will buy it again .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
the best
Iter 600, Cost= 0.858, Acc = 41.24%
Iter 700, Cost= 0.905, Acc = 36.45%
Iter 800, Cost= 0.795, Acc = 35.05%
Iter 900, Cost= 0.806, Acc = 37.50%
Iter 1000, Cost= 0.795, Acc = 35.64%
Sample Text
i bought about 5 different kinds of <UNK> when i first got my coffee maker , which i love by the way , and i 'd have to say that this was my favorite one out of them all . it has the perfect balance of everything , i was really surprised .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
excellent stuff
Iter 1100, Cost= 0.825, Acc = 39.42%
Iter 1200, Cost= 0.743, Acc = 38.78%
Iter 1300, Cost= 0.813, Acc = 41.84%
Iter 1400, Cost= 0.933, Acc = 29.66%
Iter 1500, Cost= 0.978, Acc = 33.61%
Sample Text
i really wanted to like this , as it was organic , and came in a glass bottle , but there was hardly any flavor at all . i could barely smell it , and even when i poured a generous amount on my dish , it imparts little to no truffle <UNK> . my truffle salt is much more potent .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
Iter 1600, Cost= 0.778, Acc = 45.10%
Iter 1700, Cost= 0.855, Acc = 38.83%
Iter 1800, Cost= 0.815, Acc = 41.58%
Iter 1900, Cost= 0.853, Acc = 37.62%
Iter 2000, Cost= 1.003, Acc = 32.74%
Sample Text
i love milk chocolate and do n't like dark <UNK> . my husband is the opposite , so i always buy him the dark stuff and it 's safe for him , haha ! until i happened to try this one . it 's awesome !
Sample Predicted Summary
<UNK> !
Sample Actual Summary
it 's good ! !
Iter 2100, Cost= 0.817, Acc = 37.74%
Iter 2200, Cost= 0.977, Acc = 33.33%
Iter 2300, Cost= 0.840, Acc = 35.96%
Iter 2400, Cost= 0.749, Acc = 31.58%
Iter 2500, Cost= 0.885, Acc = 31.73%
Sample Text
the best thing about this coffee is the sweet smell , just like a blueberry muffin . the taste is good , not as sweet as i was expecting but it was good nonetheless . its a nice treat when you 're craving something sweet but it wo n't replace my morning donut shop coffee : )
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
smells yummy : )
Iter 2600, Cost= 0.887, Acc = 32.73%
Iter 2700, Cost= 0.780, Acc = 44.94%
Iter 2800, Cost= 0.899, Acc = 35.71%
Iter 2900, Cost= 0.797, Acc = 38.24%
Iter 3000, Cost= 1.061, Acc = 33.33%
Sample Text
this tea is wonderful , one bag will make three cups for most people . i like my tea very strong so these were perfect . i bet they will be good for making a good ice tea .
Sample Predicted Summary
great tea
Sample Actual Summary
one bag 3 cups
Iter 3100, Cost= 0.769, Acc = 37.86%
Validating data # 0
Validating data # 100
Validating data # 200
Validating data # 300
Epoch: 1
Average Training Loss: 0.863
Average Training Accuracy: 36.40
Average Validation Loss: 0.837
Average Validation Accuracy: 37.30
Model saved
Iter 0, Cost= 0.959, Acc = 35.85%
Sample Text
really good bars . you could cut this baby in 1/2 and have 2 snacks out of it ! i bought 1 at the store first to see if i liked them and paid lots more for it . i do n't eat alot of meat so this caught my eye . i now have them on auto delivery ! !
Sample Predicted Summary
great !
Sample Actual Summary
great bars !
Iter 100, Cost= 0.792, Acc = 33.33%
Iter 200, Cost= 0.781, Acc = 35.29%
Iter 300, Cost= 0.825, Acc = 40.74%
Iter 400, Cost= 0.793, Acc = 40.19%
Iter 500, Cost= 0.860, Acc = 31.07%
Sample Text
i always buy my coffee from amazon as the prices are cheaper and i love all the coffee . best price on line .
Sample Predicted Summary
great coffee
Sample Actual Summary
Iter 600, Cost= 0.990, Acc = 28.57%
Iter 700, Cost= 0.736, Acc = 41.41%
Iter 800, Cost= 0.826, Acc = 33.68%
Iter 900, Cost= 0.904, Acc = 35.24%
Iter 1000, Cost= 0.858, Acc = 35.71%
Sample Text
i am very pleased with this product and the company sent it on a timely basis , well packed to prevent breakage .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
good stuff
Iter 1100, Cost= 0.999, Acc = 30.36%
Iter 1200, Cost= 0.726, Acc = 44.79%
Iter 1300, Cost= 0.798, Acc = 36.73%
Iter 1400, Cost= 0.712, Acc = 48.98%
Iter 1500, Cost= 0.884, Acc = 38.18%
Sample Text
i love this cereal , easy to eat out of the box . sweet but not too sweet and very crunchy . since frosted mini wheats have gelatin in them they are not an option for vegans or vegetarians , these are the best replacement .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
love it .
Iter 1600, Cost= 0.819, Acc = 44.12%
Iter 1700, Cost= 0.958, Acc = 32.11%
Iter 1800, Cost= 0.800, Acc = 37.96%
Iter 1900, Cost= 0.649, Acc = 40.82%
Iter 2000, Cost= 0.900, Acc = 36.21%
Sample Text
i have been buying these bars ( without chocolate ) for years and have recently found them with the chocolate . our family of six loves them . they are a great bar to hold you over and give you extended fuel , made with great ingredients to boot . i highly recommend you try a box !
Sample Predicted Summary
great !
Sample Actual Summary
<UNK> !
Iter 2100, Cost= 0.767, Acc = 36.19%
Iter 2200, Cost= 0.676, Acc = 37.62%
Iter 2300, Cost= 0.871, Acc = 40.00%
Iter 2400, Cost= 0.687, Acc = 39.60%
Iter 2500, Cost= 0.898, Acc = 36.27%
Sample Text
this is top notch almond syrup . we put it in lemonade and strawberries . great for many <UNK> < br / > also use in baking recipes .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
soooo yummy
Iter 2600, Cost= 0.796, Acc = 40.74%
Iter 2700, Cost= 0.775, Acc = 46.00%
Iter 2800, Cost= 0.856, Acc = 40.19%
Iter 2900, Cost= 0.954, Acc = 35.85%
Iter 3000, Cost= 0.831, Acc = 35.40%
Sample Text
this is very good coffee at a good price ... it is an old product that has been on the market since i was quite young .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
good stuff !
Iter 3100, Cost= 0.754, Acc = 36.27%
Validating data # 0
Validating data # 100
Validating data # 200
Validating data # 300
Epoch: 2
Average Training Loss: 0.840
Average Training Accuracy: 37.26
Average Validation Loss: 0.818
Average Validation Accuracy: 38.42
Model saved
Iter 0, Cost= 0.822, Acc = 36.36%
Sample Text
the chocolate covered figs were delicious and presented beautifully in the package . great for a gift for someone who has everything .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
Iter 100, Cost= 0.734, Acc = 37.86%
Iter 200, Cost= 0.837, Acc = 41.18%
Iter 300, Cost= 0.717, Acc = 34.91%
Iter 400, Cost= 0.797, Acc = 38.61%
Iter 500, Cost= 0.718, Acc = 32.38%
Sample Text
one of my favorite flavors of <UNK> , it used to be called twisted tornado , now called fruit twist either way i ca n't stop myself from eating its so flavorful = )
Sample Predicted Summary
great !
Sample Actual Summary
Iter 600, Cost= 0.846, Acc = 40.59%
Iter 700, Cost= 0.676, Acc = 43.75%
Iter 800, Cost= 0.882, Acc = 39.22%
Iter 900, Cost= 0.803, Acc = 36.54%
Iter 1000, Cost= 0.718, Acc = 40.40%
Sample Text
i found this product to be a nice tasting pepper blend and would recommend it to all of those who enjoy the fresh flavor of ground pepper .
Sample Predicted Summary
good taste
Sample Actual Summary
peppercorn mix
Iter 1100, Cost= 0.749, Acc = 41.24%
Iter 1200, Cost= 0.821, Acc = 38.10%
Iter 1300, Cost= 0.883, Acc = 39.81%
Iter 1400, Cost= 0.961, Acc = 29.91%
Iter 1500, Cost= 1.130, Acc = 33.96%
Sample Text
bought the popper about two years ago and have been enjoying the delicious fresh buttery salty ( as i want ) best popcorn ever . love it and it 's a staple snack in our house . would never <UNK> corn again .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
top notch
Iter 1600, Cost= 0.855, Acc = 35.24%
Iter 1700, Cost= 0.701, Acc = 38.61%
Iter 1800, Cost= 0.865, Acc = 35.64%
Iter 1900, Cost= 0.868, Acc = 39.62%
Iter 2000, Cost= 0.849, Acc = 40.78%
Sample Text
i love sour stuff . this is n't too sour but still gets the job done . good chewy candy . arrived faster than expected too .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
Iter 2100, Cost= 0.951, Acc = 32.73%
Iter 2200, Cost= 0.875, Acc = 31.68%
Iter 2300, Cost= 0.866, Acc = 42.20%
Iter 2400, Cost= 0.725, Acc = 46.32%
Iter 2500, Cost= 0.793, Acc = 35.71%
Sample Text
i had not tried this tea before but i was hoping it was similar to one i tried while in england . i was not disappointed . the pack of 6 makes it a very good value as well .
Sample Predicted Summary
tea tea
Sample Actual Summary
love this tea !
Iter 2600, Cost= 0.864, Acc = 34.82%
Iter 2700, Cost= 0.853, Acc = 38.10%
Iter 2800, Cost= 0.694, Acc = 40.40%
Iter 2900, Cost= 1.020, Acc = 34.26%
Iter 3000, Cost= 0.782, Acc = 43.00%
Sample Text
extremely disappointing . frankly , i think plain old lipton tea is smoother and less bitter . when brewed , i could hardly recognize it as green tea . it tasted more like a very poor earl gray .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
not good at all
Iter 3100, Cost= 0.756, Acc = 35.64%
Validating data # 0
Validating data # 100
Validating data # 200
Validating data # 300
Epoch: 3
Average Training Loss: 0.820
Average Training Accuracy: 38.18
Average Validation Loss: 0.801
Average Validation Accuracy: 39.24
Model saved
Iter 0, Cost= 0.821, Acc = 39.00%
Sample Text
love this tea . i do not like the plain sleepytime but adding the vanilla is a great move ! highly recommend it . looking forward to trying the honey sleepy time !
Sample Predicted Summary
love !
Sample Actual Summary
love it
Iter 100, Cost= 0.725, Acc = 37.00%
Iter 200, Cost= 0.805, Acc = 39.29%
Iter 300, Cost= 0.838, Acc = 41.23%
Iter 400, Cost= 0.713, Acc = 49.07%
Iter 500, Cost= 0.722, Acc = 37.86%
Sample Text
the product arrived quickly . all bags and chips were in place ... and safe ; <UNK> these chips are delicious and only four ww points !
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
yum !
Iter 600, Cost= 0.941, Acc = 34.82%
Iter 700, Cost= 0.678, Acc = 42.00%
Iter 800, Cost= 0.607, Acc = 47.47%
Iter 900, Cost= 0.679, Acc = 41.94%
Iter 1000, Cost= 0.763, Acc = 48.60%
Sample Text
this is a light to medium roast , wish it was slightly stronger , but the flavor is good and i am having it every morning using 2 6 oz . <UNK> pumps to make it as strong as possible .
Sample Predicted Summary
very good
Sample Actual Summary
i like it !
Iter 1100, Cost= 0.671, Acc = 44.44%
Iter 1200, Cost= 0.810, Acc = 39.81%
Iter 1300, Cost= 0.899, Acc = 31.78%
Iter 1400, Cost= 0.865, Acc = 39.42%
Iter 1500, Cost= 0.809, Acc = 36.54%
Sample Text
i expected a little more flavor as i usually like green mountain <UNK> < br / > next time i 'll look for a french roast !
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
too weak
Iter 1600, Cost= 0.873, Acc = 39.45%
Iter 1700, Cost= 0.882, Acc = 38.14%
Iter 1800, Cost= 0.953, Acc = 34.86%
Iter 1900, Cost= 0.961, Acc = 33.66%
Iter 2000, Cost= 0.774, Acc = 35.92%
Sample Text
i use this sauce on pork ribs , after baking them at 300 degrees for 3 hours . the sweet taste of honey along with the tomato is heavenly .
Sample Predicted Summary
great sauce
Sample Actual Summary
the best
Iter 2100, Cost= 0.744, Acc = 39.13%
Iter 2200, Cost= 0.697, Acc = 41.58%
Iter 2300, Cost= 0.869, Acc = 34.26%
Iter 2400, Cost= 0.867, Acc = 31.48%
Iter 2500, Cost= 0.784, Acc = 38.14%
Sample Text
excellent < a <UNK> '' http : <UNK> '' > kellogg 's cereal in a cup , favorite assortment pack , 1.5 - <UNK> <UNK> cups ( pack of 60 ) < <UNK> >
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
Iter 2600, Cost= 0.653, Acc = 45.45%
Iter 2700, Cost= 0.713, Acc = 46.73%
Iter 2800, Cost= 0.777, Acc = 39.05%
Iter 2900, Cost= 0.795, Acc = 38.10%
Iter 3000, Cost= 0.802, Acc = 41.12%
Sample Text
this is a good product . the honey tastes great , and it 's very convenient and <UNK> . my local <UNK> store was trying to sell this to me for twice the price as amazon , so i 'm pretty sure this is a good buy .
Sample Predicted Summary
Sample Actual Summary
honey !
Iter 3100, Cost= 0.773, Acc = 45.54%
Validating data # 0
Validating data # 100
Validating data # 200
Validating data # 300
Epoch: 4
Average Training Loss: 0.804
Average Training Accuracy: 39.03
Average Validation Loss: 0.786
Average Validation Accuracy: 40.62
Model saved
- Beam Search
- Pointer Mechanisms
- BLEU\ROUGE evaluation
- Implement Testing
- Complete Training and Optimize Hyperparameters