This project will list, create, update and delete an employee.
- mkdir c-sharp-class-project
- cd c-sharp-class-project
- git init
- include the .gitignore, .gitattributes and the files
- git config "My User Name"
- git config [email protected]
- git config --list
- mkdir src
- cd src
- mkdir CSharpClassProject
- cd CSharpClassProject
- dotnet new sln
- mkdir CSharpClassProject.EmployeesRegister
- cd CSharpClassProject.EmployeesRegister
- dotnet new console
- cd ..
- dotnet sln add .\CSharpClassProject.EmployeesRegister\CSharpClassProject.EmployeesRegister.csproj
- cd ..
- cd ..
- git add .
- git status
- git commit -m "Initial commit."
- git log
- git remote add origin <your repository url>
- git push -u origin master
To install the Entity Framework Core, open the project folder in the terminal and run the command below:
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
To execute the dotnet ef command, install the package below:
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 2.2.6
Create the Employee abstract class inside the Classes\Entities folder:
namespace CSharpClassProject.EfCore.Classes.Entities
public abstract class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string CompanyName { get; set; }
Create the Developer class inheriting from the Employee class inside the Classes\Entities folder:
namespace CSharpClassProject.EfCore.Classes.Entities
public class Developer : Employee
Create the IContext interface in the Interfaces folder:
using CSharpClassProject.EfCore.Classes.Entities;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace CSharpClassProject.EfCore.Interfaces
public interface IContext
DbSet<Developer> Developers { get; set; }
Then in the Classes\Entities folder, create the Context class inheriting from the DbContext class, responsible to the database context, and implements the IContext interface created above:
using CSharpClassProject.EfCore.Interfaces;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace CSharpClassProject.EfCore.Classes.Entities
public class Context : DbContext, IContext
public DbSet<Developer> Developers { get; set; }
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
// Configures the database connection string
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer("<connection string>");
Now, build the project and then create the initial migration:
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration
A Migration folder will be created with tree files (the 20200523165930 is the time when you ran the dotnet ef migrations command):
- 20200523165930_InitialMigration.cs: contains the migrations code to be executed in the database
- 20200523165930_InitialMigration.Designer.cs: contains the migration id and detail code to be executed in the database
- ContextModelSnapshot.cs: contains the entire database snapshot
Then, run the command below to update the database:
dotnet ef database update
To see the entire command that will be executed in the update, add the --verbose parameter:
dotnet ef database update --verbose
To revert some change, execute the comand below:
dotnet ef database update <migration name>